Disputing my warning/suspension

So we should ignore the reaction (which normal people ascribe to) for the sake of discussion?

FTR I’m talking about “normal people” and things that don’t hurt anyone else. I’m sure people think Im a heathen for wanting canned corn in my “Ghoulash”. I know my husband won’t allow me to put it in my “summer pasta dishes.” So I don’t. I might open a can of corn to eat with my hot pasta or I might “beg” hubby to grill or boil some sweet corn that I get to eat with my pasta.

But if I don’t have sweet corn available or corn (frozen or canned) and can’t eat it with my “ghoulash” … it’s nowhere near as cringe or worrisome as wondering if raping someone is ever ok.

I will no longer respond to you. Your assertion that I have a disdain for rape victims is fucking disgusting. I have been involved with counseling rape victims, and I have no insensitivity to the issue of rape. You have absolutely nothing with which to base this vile personal attack.

You are the one that’s saying that rape is beyond any other issue and has its own special status, and that’s why the discussion has focused there. I have pointed out that it is inconsistent to think that discussion of rape is beyond the pale and unacceptable and tried to figured out why it can be just fine to discuss murder and genocide and torture and all other horrors of the human existence but rape is beyond discussion.

Your assertion is not only wrong, but it was a disgusting personal attack. I will no longer engage with you in any way.

Well, y’know, anyone who doesn’t want to be constrained from fun rape hypotheticals is free to take themselves elsewhere. I mean, that’s fair and just how it’s done, right? Because this community is sick of a lot of subjects and ways certain subjects are approached and handled and we’re not going to shut up and not issue a shit ton of pushback.

Also LOL at you, Beef, for thinking I was gonna read that wall o’noise. Do you know how hard it is to clean spittle off a laptop screen when it’s on the INSIDE?

“I didn’t read the thing where you completely destroyed the personal attack I tried to make, so I won!!!” is the lowest possible form of internet debate, and you know it.

You’re wrong.

This isn’t a new topic, but in general, FRDs are pretty douchey things to engage in and should be discouraged.

omigod. You call rape a pet issue and describe rape survivors bothered by FRDs as “easily offended,” and then you flip the fuck out when I call you on it? Nice try with that “I’m rubber and you’re glue” scenario, but I ain’t buying it. Maybe don’t show such open contempt toward rape survivors if you don’t want to be accused of showing disdain to rape survivors.

You can make that argument about any topic that discusses the merit of any war past or present. You can that argument about abortion. You can make that argument about corporal punishment or the death penalty. You can make that argument about any form of battlefield tactics or criminal justice. You can make that argument about human migration and displacement. All of the above involve maiming, death, or other extreme outcomes. The way you are characterizing it as a funsie debate is an implication that those who are debating exceedingly serious and fundamental notions of moral conflicts are doing it merely to have a laugh or to provoke an angry response. Adults with agency can avoid clearly labeled threads that are to their likings.

Personally speaking, I am not optimistic said debates can be had productively in the Debates forum because of the shift in board culture however a blanket unwritten ban on topics that are sensitive is contrary to the link I provided an hour or so ago.

Sure, you can imagine anything. Join SenorBeef in the imagination brigade. Or you can deal with the actual real world and the actual real problem. Your choice.

Alright, so I get that I’m going back on what I said about not engaging you, but I have shown no disdain of rape survivors. Your continued personal attack is disgusting. Like, not “this is bad form”, but you are fucking calling me a rape advocate because I have consistently advocated for open discussion on all topics. That is completely unjustified and vile.

I would be making these exact same arguments any time anyone thought that any topic should be banned from GD, even if they were topics that I have personally negative reactions to do and do not want to read.

You criticize my reading comprehension a few posts above, but you cannot possibly, in good faith, conclude from what I’ve said in this thread that I have disdain for rape victims. Rape just happens to be the topic at hand. I am attacking the fundamental logic with banning topics from open discussion forums because some people find them offensive. My logic could apply equally to any sort of sensitive issue. You cannot, with good reading comprehension and in good faith, conclude from my words that I have “disdain for rape victims” and you only offer that based on disgusting, faulty assumptions out of a desire to make a personal attack.

War is not imaginary and you know that. Look at the discussions on Afghanistan and the pullout of US troops that has led to fall of the country to the Taliban. The people being used as human trampolines and being whipped and tortured are not imaginary people. Should discussion of the pros and cons of US policy in Afghanistan be forbidden?

In the actual real world these boards are slowly dying because a certain contingent of posters want to make these boards their own personal social club. These boards need as many posters as possible. If people choose to join a forum thats dedicated to fighting ignorance and discussing difficult issues and then whine when the discussion makes them uncomfortable then maybe these forums arent for them?

Is it really that valuable to this place to have a circle jerk for a bunch of dudes to discuss rape fantasies, I mean hypotheticals? Is that what’s preventing the SDMB from growing?

Rape fantasies wouldnt be allowed in GD. Nor would I participate in them. Its the blanket ban on topics that is wrong in a forum that was created to be a place for freewheeling discussion on about anything.

I don’t need to, want to, or see the value in debates advocating for things like child pornography, rape, genocide, or slavery in GD, but I guess that’s just me. I’m not getting that invite to the IDW, but let me know how it is.

First day on the internet? Rule 34 always applies–maybe you just don’t see the fantasies for what they are.

Im not aware of anyone advocating for those things. But there is a possibility for debate around the edges of those issues and how laws are enforced.

Oh so not debates about “anything” then.

I disagree with the conclusion of your post. Is talking about the Holocaust a pretext for fantasizing about committing one?

If some moron wants to argue that rape is OK I would rather have the other posters rip him a new one. But I cant imagine anyone coming onto these boards to do such a thing when there is Reddit.

You are very naive about the modern internet.