I’m going to ask this while it’s fresh in my mind, and hope it is as interesting to some as it is important to me.
Like many of you, I take medication; like some of you, some of my meds are for a fairly minor, but chronic, depressive ailment that I live with. (Don’t think “disabling sadness” or anything so grave: when I started taking these meds about 15 years ago, I regarded it as “life enhancement”–basically allowing me a richer “texture” of emotions.)
I normally take two such meds daily: Effexor and Depakote. They are by prescription, and I do NOT abuse. (My other meds are for blood pressure and cholesterol control.) I’m in quite good health over all, by the way.
For the usual boring reasons, I happened to be out of both, and my pharmacy is having some trouble getting my doctor’s office to get back to them with a refill authorization. I’ve been out of both for about three days now.
OK. Last night, during the first dream of the night, the “event” occurred. I doubt that the details of what was happening during the dream, at the precise instant in question, matter much…as this “event” has happened twice before over the years when I’ve missed more than 2 or 3 doses of Depakote, and in those times I was wide awake.
Now bear with me; my inability to put this into words is the essence of my question. I went INSTANTLY, without pause or build-up, right in the middle of the action, so to speak–from my normal, generally optimistic and positive view of … well, reality in general and my place therein-- to an entirely “other” mental state. It was a frightening and terrible “state” yet was NOT expressed with any of the concommittants one might expect in connection with those words. No agitation, no frenzied feeling, nothing that seemed like a “sensation of my body” (as when you taste something, or have an orgasm, or whatever). It was more like…(yikes)…the “sense” of having made a calm and dispassionate judgment that my life was not worth living and never would be, that all optimistic readings of how things will work out in the long run are (and have always been) utterly false, and that this is something I have always known (had I not chosen self-deception), and I will “feel this way” from now on.
- Again, it was NOT “like” a sensation (as when one is sad or in pain or angry) but much more like a “dispassionate judgment” (and all the more “true”-seeming for that).
- The stuff I say above, the “as if” stuff, did NOT pass through my mind during the “event”, but came moments later after it was over, as I thought about it. And that’s part of why I’m stymied, because what exactly IS it that is a mental experience, yet is neither a sensation nor a cognitive-type judgment (ie, that is, at that moment, “about” something)–?
- I’m not suicidal; I think maybe I touched the very lowest of the 3 classical levels for, literally, about 10 seconds–and then THAT faded away.
- The event woke me up, and I experienced about a minute’s worth of what seems like an “anxiety attack”–heart pounding, agitation–and such anxiety attacks rarely happen to me. (Could this have been, somehow, what the first part of such an attack is “like”?)
- In this (re the dream) and the other two waking times, there was an element of my being involved in an entirely pleasant situation (finding a lost dog, spending Christmas with a friend) with this “event” spliced-in over the expected positive sensations without warning. As if my brain was getting a “feed” from someone in a rather opposite kind of situation (but, please, I’m not loking for “mystical” interpretations).
I want to communicate this event to my doctor, but without the long narrative. Am I missing a simple, direct way to describe this? (Just take my word, printing this out for the doctor to read, or a half-hour of semantical/metaphysical hand-waving, won’t “work” for my actual situation.)
Obviously, I’m not looking for a “diagnosis”–more like the fellow doper who wants to find a word that means “next” and “last”–if you see.