I’m slowly divorcing gasoline. Remember, this is the In My Humble Opinion forum so I’m entitled to my opinion. I simply think that fossil fuels are bad for the environment and I want to lessen my carbon footprint as much as I can afford to do.
First, I divorced the gas-powered lawn mower and replaced it with a battery-powered electric lawnmower. I really like it because it is so lightweight and does such a neat job. No more running to the gas station and filling Jerry cans with gasoline, then finding a suitable place to store highly flammable gasoline.
Next, I divorced my two-cycle gas powered trimmer in favor of an battery-electric powered trimmer. I no longer pull my guts out trying to start the damn cranky thing and no longer have to mix oil and gasoline and store it in a separate Jerry can. Ditto the flammable storage problem. I’m not concerned using electricity, my Province provides 93% of our electricity from renewable resources (hydro power).
I can’t afford to replace our car with a hybrid or an all electric car but we are old and becoming disabled so I’m contemplating battery-electric disability scooters.
Gasoline and I have an open relationship. It knew I was taking up with walking several months back, but there’s yet to be any jealous. What I’m really worried about though, is if we all get a three-way going with cycling. I’m betting sparks will fly!
And how much Dino fueled power was used to make those batteries? And what will happen to those LiPo chemicals when the battery no longer serves its purpose?
You want to reduce your carbon footprint? Stop mowing your grass. Stop posting on silly forums.
I agree on the electric whipper snipper, best $50 I have spent. But I love my noisy lawnmower, cause it’s the sound of summer and I can’t hear the missus calling out for me to take on more jobs…
Good for you! And obviously some of those posting in response didn’t care to read your entire post, where you point out that your province is powered by 93% hydro. :rolleyes:
However, as snidely mentioned by others, don’t forget to look at the full life cycle of these items. For example, many of the batteries used in electric cars use graphite and/or rare earth metals. The mining and use of these have a huge impact on the environment as well. And don’t forget the impacts of disposing of those batteries once they are no longer useful.
If you’re serious (and I think you are), don’t forget to look at other methods of reducing your carbon footprint, such as incorporating passive heating and cooling in to your home, reducing your intake of red meat, trying to source your food as close to home as possible, etc. Or even, as mentioned, getting rid of your grass and going with a rock and drought resistant plants for landscaping.
First, I divorced my gas powered lawn mower and started using goats.
But then I noticed their flatulence and figured I wasn’t doing enough to move away from gas.
I stopped breathing, because as you know, Oxygen is a gas. It’s been difficult so far, and I’m not sure I can hold out, but I figure if I can just stick it out a little longer, I’ll get over the hump and never have to breath again.