DNC is for smart people only.

Eddy, maybe we should try the haiku form:

*All Dems say we’re dumb

How dare they paint us this way?

Damn their prejudice!*


*Dems act too damn smart

There’s one with no such problem

Vote George Dubya Bush!*

Hmmmmmmm… Haiku good. Limerick fun. Sonnet stunning. What about…

This is the New Right’s prime evil:
The murmuring pundits who yammer
“Elitist! Tree-hugger! And we’ve all
The moral majority!” Hammer

And tongs they go at it, decrying
The liberal threat to the nation
Of thinking! On reason relying
Instead of on fear, consternation

And trust in the Bush league to lead us.
What else does a patriot require?
But Democrats? Think they exceed us.
The nerve of them, calling a liar

That good ol’ boy, Dubya, who stands up
To smartypants donkeys that bray
About dumb little details that end up
Not being what Powell did say.

But hey! What’s it matter, so long as
The Right has control of the levers
Controlling the power. The wrong ass
Will never unseat all us reivers!

Well, that did wander some from the “stupid” theme, but it’s way past my bedtime and I refuse to edit the damned thing. Make of it what you will.

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Lovely, Eddy. “Reivers”? Did you just make that up to rhyme?

Don’t sell yourself short, New Iskander. I’m sure there are a lot of Republicans who think you’re stupid, too.

This is BRILLIANT. I’m keepin this one.

By and large, absolutely unexpected response. I didn’t dream my rant to be taken as an invitation to a poetry contest. I wonder, was there ever a Pit thread with so many people waxing poetical? Very pleasant surprise. Flattering, actually.

That’s what was missing in Boston so far. Those Kerry-Nazis were silencing you, weren’t they, my poor dears?

BTW, many thanks to all providing voluntary support to my thesis. Your input is sincerely appreciated, however I hasten to add that in order to assure impartiality and stem the avarice no one should expect to be compensated. Your pleasure is your only reward.

Hey, when an Olympic gymnast makes a perfect vault, nobody really cares what views the springboard might be entertaining.


Your transmission is garbled. Say again all after “By and large…” Over.

Seriously, is all that supposed to make sense? Kerry- Nazi? What on earth is a Kerry-Nazi? What on earth ARE you talking about.

Nah, we’re the stupid ones, we keep replying to you.

While I think that New is, well, utterly stupid, and that Miller owes me some paper towels for my monitor, I think the OP kind of has a point.

I believe Al Gore lost the election because he was smart, and people didn’t like that. People like my mother, frankly, didn’t trust Gore, because he had the capability of plotting. Nader suffers from this problem, too.

Bush, being…Bush… Doesn’t quite have the knack for evil plots, and this may be benefiting our country.

Clinton, too, was smart, but he played dumb for the votes. Hopefully this is the same quality that Edwards is bringing to the ticket. This is America, land of the anti-intellectual, and “smart” is a far worse label than “liberal.” As the OP clearly demonstrates.

Luckily, Kerry’s not too bright. :smiley:

Republicans will be holding the show in New York City in a few weeks, and they want all Americans to come join them. All except the traitors, that is.

I am one of “the traitors”.

Many Republicans told me once and again that I am unpatriotic. So they don’t want me.

They say that I am unpatriotic because I don’t agree with them. And I don’t agree with them because I am unpatriotic.

They say that I am a traitor because I think different. And I think different because I am a traitor.

They say that I have committed treason because I am not a Republican. And I am not a Republican because I like to commit treason.

So because I am unpatriotic, Republicans don’t want me to join them.

And I am not alone. I saw many other “unpatriotic” people rejected and ridiculed by Republicans. It happens even on this Board.

Republicans want people to get “patriotic” before they accept them.

The only way for us “traitors” to get “patriotic” is to join…

Forget it, this is getting tedious. But I’ll end this post with the words of Bill Clinton, who clearly has built an entire political career out of shaming people into voting for him by calling them “stupid”:

From his speech the other night:

I’ve never heard such insulting, totalitarian rhetoric. What a bastard.

I have some data that can support the argument put forward in the OP.

I am a Democrat and I think you are stupid.

I’m willing to put that on a certificate that you can frame.

cuauhtemoc, agreed.

Look, to a lot of Republicans, anyone who isn’t Republican is a tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, unpatriotic, godless liberal. Funny how liberal is becoming a dirty word.

So, you feel that people make wrong assumptions about you or make foolish, sweeping views about people of a certain political bent. Congratulations. You just managed to do the same thing.


No, I misspelled an archaic term for those who plunder and pillage. :smack: It should be “reavers”.

I told you it was way past my bedtime.

I’m guessing but it could be Eddy is a fan of Firefly. Reavers are barbarian like humans that live on the fringe of the universe and wreak havoc and destruction whereever they go.

Or he could just have an excellent vocabulary:

Get out of here, he was referring to Faulkner’s The Reivers

Sheesh. A great, accessible Faulkner book at that.

"I am going to post in the Pit. I shall start a thread in which I call Democrats elitists. Subsequently, I shall then make several broad and largely incorrect generalisations. But -and here’s the beauty of it- I shall bait my crowd into calling me stupid, by -get this, it’s sheer brilliance- actually saying I’m stupid about 24.76 times. If people then take offense at the numerous broad brushes and inaccurate accusations of elitism, and actually conclude that, yes, I am stupid, my thesis has therefor been proven: people who disagree with me (and thus are Democrats) are elitists!"

Uh, yeah, I’d say you’re PLENTY stupid, New Iskander. Jeesh.

Actually the spelling was perfectly fine when Faulkener wrote The Reivers:A Remembrance.