DNC servers hacked. Opposition research report on Donald Trump posted online.

Hillary still needs to develop her own message and vision for her Presidency.

Sorry I hit submit accidentally.

Attacking Trump is only half the battle. Hillary has to win over the public. But, I think she’ll get a lot of “Anyone but Trump” votes. Even if we don’t like her, the alternative is far worse.

I’m not sure why her having a plan that assumes the nomination is in the least bit troubling. The goal of the campaign was to get her elected President. Her staff looked at long term planning that assumed the nomination would be won and not just the intermediate goal of winning the nomination.

Holy shit, they are competent at their jobs! It’s chaos and mayhem!! Cats sleeping with dogs!!!

Well, Clinton doesn’t want people talking about how easily the Russians can hack into an unprotected system, and wondering whether Guccifer is planning an October surprise.

Already working on it.

As posted Bayard noted in a different thread:

Why would it be “scummy” to point out that The Donald has never been particularly well acquainted with the inside of a church? That’s simply a fact, and one that The Donald has readily admitted to:

It’s almost like you think this is going to be a horserace.

Or like you have a vested interest in making it LOOK like it is.

One more thing to note about the so called hack, people at ARStechnica are having doubts about it and I spotted a suspicious bit of Russian in place of several links, not a link to a russian site, but the text describing the link was in russian reporting an error, a bad link.

I was becoming suspicious when I noted how all the items are not secret at all. My suspicions also arose when the word CONFIDENTIAL appearing in all pages, not even the leaked oppo from Bush against Rubio was given that treatment, it really looks like an attempt at fooling the media.

And then I noticed how odd the formatting is, with items in the tables wrapping oddly, if not done amateurishly it points to a document (a pdf no less) that has been tampered with, so even if real, I would have doubts about all other documents this Russian hacker “found”

“Putin uses ‘Troll Army’ to ‘Vote’ in the US Presidential Election; supports a Trump presidency.” - Headlines We’ll Never See

Hmmm. One might almost conclude they wanted this report leaked, for exactly these reasons. How can we dump 237 pages of dirt on Trump and get people to pay attention? Oh, how about we “leak” it.

Opposition research is a standard part of political campaigning, whether it’s used or not. Better to be prepared than not.

Umm hand it to the Washington Post or AP?

Don’t tell me you’re buying into Trump’s latest conspiracy claptrap (or is there a new one that I’ve missed since yesterday?).

I’ve always found the strategies in campaigning the most interesting element of any election.

The punching and counterpunching between the candidates. Sometimes all the planning by the party’s best strategists gets undone by their candidate going off script.

I’d love to see the opposition research book on Hillary. It’s probably twice as thick. :D. She has 40 years in politics.  A very long public record to defend

Considering that Trump is a sucker for conspiracy theories, that is certain, problem is that unlike the Trump oppo book a lot of the “certain” points Trump will use against Clinton from that research book are beginning to be noticed by the media, and many Republicans even, as being poppycock.

BTW it is not just me the one that has noticed that the hack has problems with validation.

Not that I agree with all what they noticed. They attempt to avoid one conclusion, that the hacker has invented this if not all documents. It really looks as a stretch to believe that the text got corrupted by Gawker outsourcing it to the Russians, one reason they do not look at the most likely explanation (that the hacker made this document) is that the ones faking it would not do a mistake like that, and yet I do remember how many amateur mistakes made it to the Hitler diaries hoax and the experts also ignored them because they assumed that it was unlikely that a hoaxer would had been that sloppy. We’ll see, but the hacker pointing at the Illuminati (yet another conspiracy theory that I would not be surprised Trump could follow) as the enemy really does not make me confident in anything that the hacker or Russia is releasing.

Motherboard reports that while there was a hack made, the documents that are available right now should be looked at with suspicion.

So, unless more evidence comes I do think this document here could be a hoax, or a document that we should not make a judgment about until the unchanged files are posted or investigated more.

I’m reading the document right now, and I’ve gotten through about 25 pages. It’s laden with typos and the occasional dropping of entire phrases, but I haven’t yet found a single instance of mistranslation, or anything that gives the impression of non-English idiom.

It also looks like it was copied from a file with different formatting; occasionally a hyphen shows up that shouldn’t be there. Or maybe it’s a typo. Also, it looks like there were some phrases that were set up as headings (bolded and all words capitalized) for supporting info to be inserted that wasn’t.

Anyway, while this isn’t MLA, and could have seriously benefited from an editor, I don’t find the hoax argument compelling at all.

No, these were DNC documents, not Clinton campaign documents, and the party is supposed to be neutral as between the candidates until one is nominated.

It’s an email an un-named person sent to the DNC. Conveniently leaked to you by Russian intelligence. By all means, swallow it whole. :rolleyes:

Watch out for the vast Democrat conspiracy…to defeat the Republicans!

So, what, Russian intelligence wants Trump to win? (I can’t see them getting behind Sanders.)

“Comrade Trump…! Is Good, Da…?”