DNC servers hacked. Opposition research report on Donald Trump posted online.

One thing you can say about Donald Trump: Nobody will ever be able to construct a “push” poll that targets him effectively…

Given the push for unity, the DNC can’t be pleased at the release of documents confirming the view of many Bernie supporters that the party apparatus was working hard for Clinton. Presumably it would have denied the authenticity of these materials if it had a basis for doing so.

Errm…please explain how exactly the DNC doing oppo research on Trump in December was working for Clinton. Can’t wait to hear this one.

Tell me, if you were Russia would you want a completely ill equipped clown in charge of your greatest global rival?

Part of the leaked documents was an email to the DNC talking about how to position themselves in the general election campaign with the assumption Clinton was the candidate. So apparently that proves they were colluding with Hillary all along. It’s from about a month after Sanders announced.

Got her! :eek:

Congratulations. What do you win?

More like somebody working for the DNC.


Except Trump is the mildly retarded guy lugging the Gatorade cooler, wearing a dirty jockstrap on his head, smiling, trying to fit in.

I agree about this perhaps impacting Dems. I have read on a partizan website that these internal emails confirm the DNC were always in for Hillary. If true, then as others have said it probably doesn’t aid the healing between Sanders partizans and Hillary/ DNC.

I see Hillary & Dem partizans are out in force on this thread. Shining a light into the powers that be ought to be welcomed by most, unless of course you are first and foremost a party political animal.

Got me! :eek:

Congratulations. What do you win?

Holy shit! The Democratic establishment was working for the establishment Democrat? Fuck me, I’m more shocked than if you told me there were gambling going on in this establishment!

Fuzzy_wuzzy has a point even if you and I don’t see it as a big deal. There’s definitely grumbling that this proves collusion and the DNC was in the bag for Hillary. Not sure if it’s turning off anyone other than Bernie or Busters though.

It’s not even establishment supporting establishment candidate, necessarily.

It’s party planning for the most likely candidate. Whatever you think of Bernie, at no point was he the most likely candidate.

That’s exactly what I was going to say. It’s smart to plan for all contingencies. It’s also smart to devote more planning to the more likely contingencies. It was possible for Sanders to win the nomination, and so the DNC probably had some plans for what to do if that happened. But it was more likely for Clinton to win it, so they planned more for that.

How about"I’m not Trump" considering Obama won on the “I’m not W” platform.

I need a ‘who cares’ smiley.