NO and No.
No not raping does not mean not selfish and no humans aren;t the only animals that rape.
Other animals that commit rape that I can name off the top of my head are: chimpanzees, sea lions, flying foxes and kangaroos. Cites will be provided if necessary and I’m sure there are many more species. So that anwers the OP.
Re “Does “not raping”=“not selfish”?”
Rape is not a risk free process for a number of reasons, not least of which in most species the females are not helpless. Mares quite frequently kick the shit out of stallions even after they have willingly accepted them, resulting in fatal injuries. This is the reason stud farms use teasers: vasectomised males taht are used to stiimulate the mare to the point of acepting a mount and then pulled off. Any stallion that tries to rape a compleetly unwilling mare is garaunteed to be killed with zero chance of achieving penetration. The same goes for most other species.
Then of course we have the alpha males. In wolf packs omega males are frequently injured and not uncommonly kille dby alpha for mating with bitches. Gorilla willl beat the snot out of sub males and occasionally females caught cheating. In one study of chimps rape was the highest cause of death amongst adults with both the rapist and the rapee frequently getting killed, the rapist commonly by otehr chimps. With lions any male entering the territory of a male with a pride is in for a fight. Raping a screaming female while the alpha male beats the snot out of you is not a good survival strategy.
Even without the risk of physical damage rape is going to be impossible in most species. For copulation to take place the female has to be immobile. Imagine a dog trying to copulate with a bitch who is running away at full speed. Not likely. All such attempts would do is to waste energy and increase the risk of injury, expose you to predators etc. Not a good survival strategy.
So rape will only be non-selfish, or at least of survival advanatge if you can achieve copulation more through rpe than other means. If you commit one rape and get fatally wounded on the second attempt, yet might have had sex seven times through consensual means, you’ve lost. If you’re a subordinate male with even a one in a thousand chance of becoming alpha, and alpha males father 200 young during their time at the top, then you need to be able to get away with rape 50 times to make it worth your while genetically.
these animals aren’t sacrificing themselves by not mating, they’re preserving themselves by not raping. Rape is not cost free, it’s highly risky and as such the returns need to be huge or the risk of not obtaining consesual sex equally huge to amke it worthwhile from a survival perspective.
So why do those few species rape? Well chimps, flying foxes and kangaroos ahve the capacity to immobilise a female without killing her to begin with. Most animals lack anything like hands and would have to use sharp teeth and claws to immobilise a victim. That’s going to kill the victim which invalidates the whole practice.
Sea lions get away with it because the amle is massive compared to the female. They immobilise the females by lying on them although injuries are still common enough. rapes occur while females are emerging from the sea, before they have been claimed by, and under protection of, the dominant males further up the beach.
Kangaroos have a harem structure with fairly frequent male turnover so males that don’t make it to alpha while i their prime aren’t likely to become alphas. As such middle-aged males have an advantage in rape becuase they’ll never reproduce otehrwise. Added to this because of their fighting styles the smaller females can’t injure the males.
Flying foxes form lifelong monogamous pairs, and rapes are by bachelor males and undertaken when the partner isn’t available. Normally a male will defend his mate to the death. Probably older bachelors are less attractive and wouldn’t get to mate at all without rape, they can pin a victim quite successfully and they risk is small.
Chimps are just too damn human-like to need explanations of why it works for them.