I’m trying to get in 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day. I really like beans and would like to know if they count as one of those servings.
I’ve looked around a bit and I’ve seen some conflicting information. On the food pyramid, they seem to be listed with the meats and nuts. I’ve also seen sites that recommed a serving of beans as a way to get in all of your daily fruits and veggies.
It seems to methat beans offer a lot of the benefit of veggies – high fiber, no fat, etc.
I’ve been doing more research since posting this questions. This pdf – which was linked to from www.nutrition.gov-- seems to give conflicting information on beans. Throughout the first part of the document it implies that beans are separate from vegetables. Later – specifically page 24, box 12-- it implies that beans are vegetables /fruits that are a good source of folate and potassium.
So, do I count my baked beans as veggies or do I need to get in a couple more servings of spinach?
Yeah, I pretty much thought it was not a veggie but from the linked pdf I got this info:
Sources of potassium
• Baked white or sweet potato, cooked greens
(such as spinach), winter (orange) squash
• Bananas, plantains, dried fruits such as apricots
and prunes, orange juice
• Cooked dry beans (such as baked beans) and
Thanks for the information, everyone. I suppose I was just really hoping that beans were veggies because I love 'em. I can eat a whole can of beans in one sitting!
Looks like there’s going to be less beans and more spinach in my future.