Do black people like fried ice cream?

I don’t find it offensive, but I do find it kind of dumb. I always want to answer “Well, I haven’t actually met *all * of them, but…”

If we’re assigning inclinations to entire groups of people, there are tons of ways to group people that make much more sense than by race. And yet no one ever asks “Do hedge fund managers like apples?”


That makes sense to you?

Well, I try to answer things by speaking only of my impressions of socioeconomic ethnic groups I’m a part of or have interacted with. Nonetheless I feel pretty fucking confident stating (a) 99.99% black people all over the world have never eaten fried ice cream and (b) I doubt any of the white folks on these boards have ever cooked, cleaned AND eaten chittlins. (Zoe is a Gibson County girl so she might prove to be the exception I wouldn’t be surprised by – and who the hell know what Sampiro’s Mom had him doing growing up.)

Started off clarinet, switched to mellophone after a few years. Yes, I go both ways. At least I’m not a drummer.

Come on, you don’t even scare little white dancing kids!


I honestly can say, I’m SHOCKED it took THAT long to bring that up. As soon as hit ‘Submit Reply’ I was thinking, You know what somebody’s gonna say, right?

… I aine never gonna live that down… :smack:

No flute?

Speaking of music and FIC, does anyone remember One Nation Under a Groove by Funkadelic? At one point they were chanting during a fade-out


Well, you know how we liberals are. It took me 15 minutes to evaluate whether my comment might offend black folks, white folks, little kids, people who dance, or people who are scary.

“Promentalshitbackwashpsychosisenemasquad” aka “The Doodoo Chasers?”

Sounds like a dire gastrointestinal warning, not an endorsement.

I didn’t think fried ice cream had been around that long…

(On Preview) HA. Touche’, delphica.

raises hand Ooo…I have, only once. But guess who I had to ask how to prepare them. It certainly wasn’t any of my white friends.

Dag, really? I’m actually impressed. Why only once?

Wrong. I have when I lived in lower Alabama. I’ve also had possum, squirel, and nutra. So, there! :stuck_out_tongue:

Would you let your daughter marry one?

Oh, yeah? Well, I’ve had calamari, alligator, frogs’ legs, rattlesnake meat and caviar! Granted I aine killed none of 'em, and I never went back for seconds anything but the frog’s legs and calamari, quite possibly because they were deep-fried… but still.

I guess we’re all busting preconceived notions today!

I think you’re probably right. I’m just saying that I know some black people, and I know some hedge fund managers, and the hedge fund managers are far more uniform in their tastes and habits.

But you brought joy to so many! :smiley:

I can confidently state that some Thai people like frogs legs enough to have them on the restaurant menu. Thai chili fried frogs legs are good. Trouble is, half an hour later you go round saying stuff like “Love you long time” and “You Number One GI”.

Honestly, it was just a bit of a pain in the ass to make, and don’t exactly come packaged in convenient serving sizes (ten pounds is a lot of chitterlings for one white boy.) :slight_smile: The advice given to me was to clean all chitlins, even supposedly pre-cleaned ones. So, yeah, a bit of a hassle to make.

But I did like them. Then again, I like animal innards of almost any kind. Tripe, especially.

But they didn’t ask about African-Americans, they asked about black people. That includes Africans (and North Africans, West Africans, etc) and West Indians (and Jamaicans, and Trinidadians, etc) and African Canadians and lots of people who have no shared culture whatsoever within the past 500 years.

Polish people all have something specific in common: they come from Poland, and from this we could assume that they have a shared language, food, culture, etc. You cannot say this about black people. A black person raised in Mississippi will have substantially less in common with a black person raised in Malawi than they will have with, say, me (a white Canadian). They are so different that such generalizations are pointless. Now, say “African Americans” or “descendents of slaves” or “West Indian immigrants” and you may have something.

Sorry to get all serious on y’all.

Not the ones I’ve met. Most of them prefer babies’ brains, preferable fresh, like some weird scene out of Faces of Death