Do black people like fried ice cream?

That’s a fair point. I hadn’t considered that.

I’m white, and I love pancakes. But I’d like to try fried ice cream sometime. I know a friend who has some good stuff-- he gets it from a Negro.

I’m so glad we have a few Black people on this board, so we can find out what those people do. It’s so interesting to explore other cultures!

And I’m more qualified than all of ya’ll. Yeah, I said it!

On the polka music question - it is possible to get almost all the way across Pennsylvania by car on Sunday mornings listening to nothing but polka songs on the radio (the “Pennsylvania Polka Party” is my favorite program).

I don’t want her
You can have her
She’s too fat for me.

I am not sure how much of the audience is Jewish, but I would bet it is substantial, seeing as someone in a Volvo passed me near Harrisburg.

To be fair, they just weren’t sure if you were entirely black. I mean, after all, every now and then you have some white in you.

I got the joke fine. I took it in a different direction. Sure, I could have written, “or playing hockey,” but I wanted to go another way.

Ohhhhhh… that’s bad… but in a good way. :wink:

Actually, it’s more pink than anything.

Really? I thought she was your platonic beard.

And only for a couple of minutes.

I gotta side with you here, Revtim. I can be a sensitive liberal at times, but I found nothing offensive about the question asked in the linked thread. I mean, sure, you laugh about stereotypes like grape soda (or, as Chapelle clarified, “Grape Drink,”) but, dare I say, there is a certain element of truth in that. There is an element of a shared culture among different ethnic groups and nobody is asking if no African-American listens to country music in the south, just whether it’s common or not. Personally, I did not know, and was edified.

Really, what’s the harm in the question? If people asked me “Do Polish people like spicy food” I would answer, “In general, no, Polish people are not used that kind of spice.” Where’s the offense to be construed in that?

I swear, sometimes I wonder more and more whether the talkshow blabbermouths who accuse us liberals of being whiny, oversensitive nitwits are right.

Uh, kinda.

I can say that 'cuz I’m one-half liberal on my father’s side.

Some of my best friends are liberal.

Sure, one day in the sun sans protection is fine, but after a few we do indeed burn. I learned that the hard way at band camp. Along with a few other things…

A Volvo doesn’t mean anything. If it was a big Cadillac, Buick, or Oldsmobile, one of those Jew Canoes, then you’d have a better idea.

Hmm. Woodwinds or brass?

Joking aside (and, personally, I think the right is just as humorless as the left, only the issues they are humorless about differ), what really is so offensive or stupid about the question in the linked OP. Because I certainly do not see it.

You may want to check out this site:

None of those questions were stupid per se, but I’m always a bit amazed at how how often these “do black people…?” questions come up in the SDMB. First few years are fine. Now that I’m officially approaching year seven (ignore my “2001” start date – I originally joined in 2000 under my full name and I’ve lurked here at least 1 years before that) – it’s like I want to SHAKE some of y’all and yell: GIT SOME BLACK FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE, PEOPLE! GO VISIT A BLACK BAPTIST or AME CHURCH! EAT AT A CHINESE JOINT IN THE HOOD! WE ARE NOT THAT MYSTERIOUS!! But then I think: Shit. There I go scaring the white folks again…

After a few days??!!! Damn you! After a few days without sunscreen, I would indeed burn, but I’m talking actual flames coming off of my corpse. Wihtout sunscreen the sunburn sets in within an hour.
