Do flies panic?

Is a miss as good as a mile as far as a fly is concerned or does a near-miss leave them the fly equivalent of heart-pounding and panting?

I hereby endorse this question.


Whenever I see a fly I get my globe and put it in the room. When the fly sees it they immediately start to panic “TOO HIGH! TOO HIGH!”

Awesome! :stuck_out_tongue:

Do flies panic?
Yeah but those teeny weeny Xanax pills do wonders for them!
Seriously, I do notice that when I swat and miss at a fly in the air that it definitely increases its flying speed and seems to be more “excited”. I don’t know if this represents panic or not. A fly’s circulatory system is very different from a human’s.

Don’t get it.

They believe they’re in orbit and are concerned about burning up on re-entry.

Help me! Help me!

Originally Posted by Hampshire
Whenever I see a fly I get my globe and put it in the room. When the fly sees it they immediately start to panic “TOO HIGH! TOO HIGH!”

Fly sees the globe, thinks it’s the real earth, thinks he wandered too far away from it.