Do I need to get a lawyer and sue my former employer?

When I was terminated from my job, the company still owed me seven-hundred and fifty dollars for a business trip. They said to send in the expenses and they would pay it. Well, they never replied to any of letters until I sent it registered and they had to sign. I called them about two weeks ago and talked to an HR rep. She said she just needed to get final approval and it would go out in a week. I never received the check, so I called back today. She told me since I was no longer an employee she had to get two additional signatures, but she had final approval and the check would be sent in 1-2 weeks.

I think she is lying. Why would she need additional signatures if she has final approval? Final approval would mean she has all the signatures she needs.

I am thinking of getting a lawyer but I think this might cost more than the $750. This whole thing has been going on for almost a year. Should I get a lawyer and sue them?

Several choices:

For that amount of money, you can sue them in small claims court without an attorney. I hope you have copies of the receits.

Hire an attorney to call in your behalf. S/he can call up and say "there seems to be an undue delay here, please get the check within the mail by Friday or we may have to take further action. It would cost some money for the call, but not as much as a lawsuit.

Call and do the same thing yourself. Say that 2 weeks is too long, that if they can’t send it out by Friday (or whatever) then you will have to take further action.

If you do the last option, I strongly recomment you get the book Getting to Yes: How to Negotiate Agreement Without Giving In and read about effective negotiations. Great book.

Good luck. Be nice, but be firm and get your money back.