Do Men Tend to Get Grumpy As They Get Older?

I tend to agree with both Izzy and Loaded Dog. Older people have less to lose by being cranky and hostile. So they can let fly with impunity. Who cares?

Also, men tend to feel they have a right to complain, since they fought the wars, worked the jobs, etc. And the younger generation doesn’t appreciate it. In a way, you can’t blame the oldsters for complaining.

My own parents are in their 70s and they are both mellow, mostly because they both focussed more on family relationships and their involvement in their church, rather than jobs or power.

The only time my father was at all bitter was when retirement was more or less forced on him after nearly 40 years with the same company. And it wasn’t handled well by his employers, so he had a right to be POd about it.

I think when folks retire and don’t have as much to keep them busy, and they start to notice annoying things that they didn’t have time to worry about before. Partly that, and partly because they often have some physical ailments that bother them. Or, if you want to go the stand up comedy route:

Old men wake up at 4:30 in the morning and go to watch the Discovery Channel. They’re tired.

Old men wear their pants really high. You’d be grumpy too if you had a wedgie all day long.

Old men just can’t stand it that we have better stuff now. They’re frustrated because they can’t convince us that they really did like it better before they invented air-conditioning, color TV, and pants you could wear around your waist instead of your armpits.

Old men aren’t really grumpy, they just really like those movies with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon.

Old men are grumpy because they’re tired of trying to prove they’re not grumpy to young people.

(note: not meant to be offensive. it’s meant as a joke)

If you think old men are grumpy, you haven’t been around a lot of 2 year olds.


Hey, Butternut Kid…I’m the resident stand-up comic around here. That’s how I make my living.

That’s BITTERDRUNK Kid, thank you very much! If that’s a sample of your act, you better fill out an application at McDonald’s! (j/k)

Do Men Tend to Get Grumpy As They Get Older?

Some might, but I’m still hoping for Snow White.

I have to agree with the people who say that men just don’t care about who they tick off as they get older (I’ll add a few more bits to this in a sec.).

I know that when I was younger I was as nice as I could be to people (Shut up, you! I may have been a smart-ass, but I was still nice to people!), but now, I look at where I am in life (rapidly approaching 33, never married, stuck in a crappy dead-end job, haven’t been laid in so long its almost criminal, and cruelly dumped by the last female I was interested in) and I say, “Screw it!!!” If being nice to people got me this, then being a cranky bastard can’t get me anything worse!

That being said, I am not disrespectful of people. You piss me off, and I will let you know exactly how I feel about the matter. I will not curse you, or call you an idiot, but there will be no doubt in your mind towards what I’m thinking.


[Spider Woman rolling on the floor laughing]

My dad’s cousin, Lenny (brother of Rosaline, who died last Xmas) is pushing 80. He was always grumpy, at least all the time I’ve known him, but now he’s getting senile, and that is a bad combination.

My dad told me that he’d been at the VFW, and there’d been a discussion about “these kids today” re, I think, school shootings. They were all agitated, but Lenny got himself so worked up someone had to restrain him. If other GOMs think you’re getting out of control…shudder.

He’s always hated Jews, which isn’t typical in my family. We’re Italian Catholic, and my relatives generally look down on other ethnic groups, but not other religions. They say “Polak”, “Bohunk” and “Johnny Bull”, but Lenny is the only one who will use the k-word, and others. My dad’s last business partner was Jewish, and my dad told Lenny in no uncertain terms to can that talk (around my dad; Lenny never met this guy). So he was spared, but others still had to hear it.

My dad hates lawyers, and in the '80s and early '90s, hated the Japanese. (Don’t know if this still applies.) The one time I remember him getting angry with me over something that wasn’t personal was an evening in '85. At the dinner table, I remarked brightly, as I was eating my stir-fry and rice, that this was what kept the Japanese so healthy. “And they don’t just sit around at lunchtime! They work out! They never stop doing stuff.”

My dad turned into the Great Stone Face. Loud silence, then, “Well why don’t you go to Tokyo! Work for Mitsubishi, Panasonic, whatever the fuck! Who needs American products.” For a moment it was 1968, and I was saying “Nixon’s a pig”.

He hates lawyers because of an environmental hearing in which he gave testimony. It was dragged out for over a year, after which a hefty fine was levied, but the decision was too late for the fishermen who’d already lost their homes and the fish and other creatures who had lost their lives. He has a t-shirt that says, “First thing we do; kill all the lawyers”. (I didn’t trouble him with the context of the quote.)

He’s been less grumpy in the last ten years. He mostly had the GOM phase when I was in high school and college. Lucky me. He’s been a lot more patient and understanding with my nephew “Brad” than he ever was with me, and I was an angel compared to Brad.

So the important thing is, I had an onion on my belt.

[Grandpa Simpson]Which was the style at the time[/Grandpa Simpson].

My mother’s theory Old Man Crabbiness is that for some reason, the temporal lobe shrinks significantly in many men (and largely only men) as they age.

She described it thus: “… and can you just imagine, your daddy, walking around with that thing in his head (his temporal lobe) all shriveled up like a raisin?”

I have no idea if this is true, but it could explain a lot.

Some of it is an act. You get into your 60s or 70s, you’re partially EXPECTED to be a curmudgeon, and I know my Dad has fun with it (but it’s 90% act and the other 10% isn’t anything new).

Realizing that NO ONE is perfect, it is VERY disconcerting to have a man/boyfriend/husband who was a bit conservative in his own behavior& views 20 years ago,yet 'liberal’enough to live and act/speak with a 'different strokes for different folks’attitude and EVEN be quite libertarian and free with some personal actions and views and then to 'become’a grumpy old-acting intolerant person bitching about how it costs ten cents to leave a lightbulb on when once he cared ZERO for the price of ANYthing and tossed out diamond bracelets for a 'good time’for 5 minutes…a totally 'you only live once’and 'it’s only money’attitude and now is a raving waaaay BEYOND 'conservative’in that he’s intolerant of ANYthing that remotely smacks of freedom/liberalism and has become overBEARingly bitchy/boring/cranky!!! I myself have certain conservative views,i.e. abortion in MY life was not 'for me’yet I COMPLETELY respect others’views on that matter but him, forGET it…!
HOW DA HELL do I begin to reconcile that which WAS with that which he has BECOME??
Still a great person in MANY ways, a character who someone can lean on/depend on to do 'the right thing’but at same time so flipping 'old cranky guy bitchy ’ that this dude ain’t NEVER gettin’laid again the rest of his life( NOT BY ME, anyway!)
I just CANNOT stand it anymore…watches 'cop shows’on tv alla the time and it’s like ‘dude, you AIN’T NO cop’ ( a County parking enforcement person)is all…
Thinks older white guys are such a totally persecuted against/discriminated against bunch!!!
Someone pls give me their insight/views/perspective on what I’ve tried to explain, would be GREATLY appreciated…UNlike him, who thinks he already knows it all,and will no longer entertain ANY others’points of view!!! THANK YOU ALL gor even reading this,and/or responding!:peace_symbol::heart::fleur_de_lis:

Mardifleur: WELCOME to the DOPE. But DO you REALIZE that the THREAD you RESPONDED to is SIXTEEN years OLD?!?

These damn teenage zombies can get the hell off my lawn!

If this thread were a man, it’d be a grumpy one.

Panache45: This is a truly timeless topic. Back when you were 6, 7, 8 years old didn’t you have some elderly neighbors (who must have been at least 50 years old!) who were grumpy?

I was never that young.

This thread is definitely more deaf that it was.

Life can be embittering. Everyone has their breaking point.