Do Men Tend to Get Grumpy As They Get Older?

Not only do they get Grumpy, they get Sneezy, Dopey and Sleepy and even Happy, but that’s pretty rare. Bashful is right out. Sometimes they will have to go to the Doc.

I find myself smiling at people more often, especially my wife who has remarked upon it. I believe it has to do with being 67, realizing I’m mortal after all and one day will be pushing up daisies. However, I sincerely hope the dementia does not make me mean.

I’d rather die before that happens.


…Soon this thread will be out off the house & off to college and grumpy or not, you’re going to miss it.
People change as they age. I dispute Jinx assertion that aging is “a breaking point” when the truth is that its more like… weathering.

I hope that aging doesn’t distress anyone… :smiley:

I no longer “realize” stuff and in addition to not knowing a whole lot, I don’t even suspect anything. :wink:

  1. Everything hurts. Sometimes, things just don’t work at all.

  2. We know more people who are dead than who are alive.

  3. We have made mistakes, learned from the experience, and are irritated when we see others going down the same stupid path.

  4. Our brains are changing.

  5. Some people feel powerless or feel that they haven’t gotten as far in life as they should’ve. They’ve failed to meet their own expectations of themselves. (also called the mid-life crisis)

  6. I’ve told them - very nicely - about a hundred times to stay off my lawn. Is it really so much to ask that they walk around?

Number 6): My wife and I live right next door to a “Middle East” couple and their little girl (about 6).

We love to hear her playing next door to us in our yard as well as hers.

Since my wife’s miscarriage in the last century, we have always enjoyed the laughter and squeals of the “little ones”.

We don’t interfere, we just enjoy raising the windows and smiing at each other.

As for the rest of what you wrote, Doctor, I look forward to the time when nothing hurts, when I can write about my precious memories and to the time when my brain ceases its change.

No mid-life crisis here, Sir. It took me a while, but I am finally seeing that I am a man who did the best he could, hurt some folks, and then just threw up his arms and said, "FUCK IT! THIS is who I am/was and if you find/found me lacking, that’s on you, MOMMY-FRIGGER!

My “protein helmet” is aware, Doctor. Hope to see you again somewhere -sometime.


Hiya,panache45…yes,I did notice that it’s a verrry old thread…just like me to be ‘late to the party’!!! :slight_smile: Heck, took me maaany years after 'Dream On’to warm up to those ‘new kids on the block’, Aerosmith!!:slight_smile: I do believe I was 'in a mood myself’and likely had googled 'why do guys get grumpy over time’and this is what popped up…as Mike Myers as Linda Richman would have said…" THERE…I’m better…discuss":slight_smile:

I don’t actually dislike children. I am almost always glad to have them around. I enjoyed being a parent and have always enjoyed being a grand parent. But, that doesn’t mean that I am not without frustration towards society, just generally speaking.

Just earlier this week, I found myself trying to explain the Trylon and the Perisphere. I saw very quickly that the young man had never heard of them… and I knew it wasn’t his fault.

Getting old isn’t what I thought it would be. It is both much nicer and much more annoying.

There is a great reflection on aging in this song. If I could do it all again, it’s something that I’d like to do.

I got grouchy as fuck!

What are you looking at!? Go about your business.

You know what makes me grumpy?
Fucking Zombies. Fuckers!

Got any moonshine or night crawlers to fish with River Hippie?

My Dad used to raise and sell Red Wigglers (we lived in Villa Rica, GA) and me and my bro used to catch some nice cats with 'em. We also had to pick those little bastards my dad used to raise out of old fridge cases in the back yard.

But then I started to read “John Donne”, waxed philosophical on their ass and from there on out…

…I was too queer to join their KKK.

True story. I can update it if anyone is interested, but I believe y’all already know what I will write, right?

If not, I met a very pretty girl in high school, we both fell in love at 13 and one night her Dad wanted to take me home and drop me off. Sorry to say all of those goddamn refrigerators lay in the front yard, so I asked to be dropped off two houses back and walked home. Not long after, we broke up. Who wants to love someone who has worms?


“Got any moonshine or night crawlers to fish with River Hippie?”

I got a case of MGD and an AR-15 to shoot those stinkin’ fish. Stinkin’ fish! I’ll shoot 'em all!

zzzzz (snort)…zzzzzz

I was a health aide and men weren’t any grumpier than women and , I found women to be more grumpy and nastier !

Holy SHIT! You drank MAD DOG 20/20???

We used to drink that shit in college along with 7-Up and Old Milwaukee Beer out of the same bowl. Ripple was a plus.

Shit. How I ever got my degree is still a fucking mystery.

Member: THE FARM frat at West Georgia College.


Discuss…? With Mike Myers?
But…but… he picks arguments with everybody… and occasionally furniture…

Couldn’t we just nod our heads yes & back slowly towards a door…?

I’ve seen this as well. We have a woman like that at work. She’s not that old (late 40s/early 50s), but she’s just mean and nasty. I suspect it’s because she’s single, childless, and in a sales role where it seems like senior executives don’t really want to meet with her because she’s no longer a “young and cute” and she doesn’t bring much else to the table.

We are talking about a mass culture which promotes mindless hedonism, entertainment all the “isms”, endless lies about life, contempt for intellectual pursuits, status, violence of various kinds, a dog eat dog economy and generally ersatz “freedom”. All this is supposed to result in a person who approaches the end of their life at a certain level of enlightenment. Instead, people who have been the vessels into which all the vapid cultural elements have been poured, they end up feeling hollow, empty, and angry that all the promises that they believed were made to them have been broken. The only real asset they thought they had, their youth, is gone. On top of this, a lifetime of toil has brought them not security but insecurity in old age. We have a very sick society.

I prefer mindful hedonism. Hasn’t let me down yet.

Goddamnit, if you’re going to resurrect a motherfucking zombie thread, can’t you at least use normal paragraph breaks? Who do you think is going to read that fucking wall of text, anyway? Not to mention YOUR EXCESSIVE USE OF CAPS.

No, we old men aren’t grumpy. Now get off my $#@! lawn. :mad: :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, I’m way past grumpy. I don’t even care who’s on my lawn; it’s all weeds anyway.

It would if you were not a denizen of the SDMB. :slight_smile: