do not look


okay, you can look now




“I looked at the trap, Ray”

I looked, and there was this big picture of David Lee Roth… my eyes!

Well actually ol’ Dave is still looking pretty good.

I looked, and basically got an eyeful of what they saw in the movie Beetlejuice when they opened the door at the wrong moment and saw immense sand worms leaping and gnashing teeth.

Uh, I promise I won’t look again, okay?



Checking sig…


spoiler test

I wish I’d learned this before I posted in Cafe.

quote test

I wish I’d learned this before I posted.


link test
[url=]The reincarnation of Peter Proud

Rats. Only 1 worked.

Quote test

link test
Reincarnation of Peter Proud

I didn’t look, I just posted.

And I tested my knowledge of smiles.

:slight_smile: :frowning: :o :smiley: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :dubious: :smack: :wally

How do you get the Happy Orthodox Jewish Man smiley to work?

According to the smilies chart it’s ;j .

Smilies test

:smiley: :confused: :cool: :dubious: :eek: :o :frowning: ;j :mad: :rolleyes: :smack: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :wally :wink:


:wally ;j

Hmm… the ‘putz’ one sure takes up a lotta space

I TOLD you not to look!