Do people in the USA think voting SHOULD be difficult?

Often not. Ohio has a pretty loose ID law for the time being (you can use a utility bill and things like that), and you still can’t use those cards.

Fie, Sirrah! Wouldst thou disenfranchise the noble dead? (Walt Kelly.)

Some years ago, a friend of mine voted twice. He registered at his parents’ home, and then again at his own address. I turned him in when he bragged about it to me. I hold democracy to be little short of sacred.

But a solution to a problem that ends up disenfranchising 100 times as many people as there were cases of fraud is a really, really shitty solution!

I think it should be easy but secure. Each eligible voter should be able to vote one time, no more. The details of how that is accomplished is the tricky part.