Do retirees know the day of the week?

I’m retired and often don’t know what day or date it is. When Ms Hook pulls the plug in 15 months I may start getting indifferent to the month also.

I’m near retirement, but I do still work. I do often have trouble knowing what weekday it is. I think it’s more due to the fact that I don’t care which day it is that anything else. Only problem is that I sometimes forget to put money in the parking meter. :stuck_out_tongue:

I work in broadcasting, and most times I not only know the day, but the date, and what the date will be two weeks from today.

Ivylad, who is retired due to health issues, occasionally has to be reminded what day it is.

Sometimes Sunday feels like Friday. And Thursday, Monday. But that’s not retirement, it’s Alzheimer’s.

Slight (okay, major) hijack.
Does the name “Sturgeon Bay” refer to the fish of the same name?

Yes, but once abundant, they’re now extinct in the Great Lakes. Any day of the week.

When I was a telephone operator, I got many elderly folks who would ask me what day it was. Often, they had no idea. One time, the person admitted to me that they had a group of friends over, and they had taken bets about what day it was. IIRC, they were all wrong :).

Of course, the only reason I knew was because I kept a calendar at my workstation…my schedule was so screwy that I had to write it down day by day on my calendar at home. If I was out and about, I had some trouble keeping track. Tuesday feels like Saturday; Saturday feels like Tuesday. (This, incidentally, is why I quit–I was tired of not seeing my family.)

I’m still employed, but my husband has been retired for a while. He woke me up ONCE early on a Saturday thinking he was doing me a favor by keeping me from being late to work. He felt so bad about that, he no longer wakes me up even if it’s Monday and I sleep through my alarm. So, yes, retirees either accidentally or on purpose to annoy the rest of us do “forget” what day it is.

I’m a shift worker. I consider myself at the top of my form if I know whether it’s dusk or dawn.

And to answer the question: I can usually work out what day of the week it is but I have to think about it for a while.

It’s not that bad yannow. :slight_smile:

Nobody to hassle me, sleep as often and as long as I want, eat when I want and what I want, go out or stay in…no problem.

Watch TV, read, look out the window at the poor shmucks hurrying to work in the rain and snigger, sit in the garden with a cold one and a few sandwiches at hand, ogle the women in town centre, stop for a beer at the pub.

Fuckin’ 'ell I got it made :smiley: