Do this math problem in your head.

Now you guys know why I said no editing. :slight_smile:

4100, yeah?

(I have come across it before, as a card carrying math geek, but still.)


ETA: Phew.



ETA : Oh, I see…


4100 I see what you did there.



I think I could be susceptible to getting it wrong if it were asked of me in person rather than in print on a message board–This way I was saying numbers out loud–like “one zero four zero”, which really emphasizes which column each number goes into. In person, I might get more casual about it.


  1. What do I win?

4100; I’m guessing 5000 is the expected wrong answer, since that’s what I got on the first try, but then I got suspicious as to how those tens all were supposed to add up to 1000…


Yeah, that’s what I meant in another post I made in here. A lot (more than you’d think) get it wrong when it’s said aloud. More than 75 percent, actually (at least of the people that I’ve done it to).

It’s easier when it’s written out because then people can just add up the four 1000’s and then add up 10, 20, 30, 40 (to get 100) and then add it onto 4000. This is why I used spoiler boxes…so people would have to look at them all one at a time (and hopefully do the problem as they go along).

Not too bad, either. Five, so far, were fooled.

I was fooled the first time I heard it too, by the way (which was it being said aloud to me–not seeing it written).

Here’s what went on in my head, verbatim:

“5000–wait, 4,100!”

And then I was cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril. Fortunately, I am already at work so it was a short drop.


Well, my first reaction, is what math problem? How am I supposed to do a problem when there’s no numbers, just commands to add. Then I realize I’m allowed to look in the spoiler boxes, just not other people’s answers.

My answer-thought is “forty”-“one hundred”, which translates into “forty one”-“hundred”, or 4100. I processed it in groups of two digits, probably because when I see “1040”, I think “ten”-“forty”. And the subsequent additions didn’t require changing that.


What I’m talking about has nothing to do with seeing the numbers all at once, I did each petty math problem after clicking on the spoiler box. I’m just saying that seeing the numbers made me more aware of how many zeros each had than I might have been if I’d just heard the numbers.

What do you put into a toaster?