I asked this question two years ago:
My new question is obviously related. Do Trump’s many dead-enders and his cowardly Republican enablers think that, if he were to be reelected, the rest of the people would just sit back and say, “Aw geez, he got reelected. Sucks but what can you do…”?
I would say that there is a 95% chance that the country unravels within a few months. The only exceptions I can see are:
- Trump immediately dies, becomes incapacitated, etc.
- Since Trump is old and looking tired and has gone beyond his usual incoherence into outright infirmity, I think there is a small chance that he won’t really be able to do much.
- Hi, Opal!
But the smart money is on his immediately doing stupid, crazy, fascistic shit and… the country will come apart.
Yes, it’s a truism that political polarization is at an all-time high. Beyond that, however, we have some 30% of the country that wants a right-wing dictatorship. They want Trump to take over like Hitler and start killing people. They’re fucking Nazis. Trumpers don’t represent a potential failure of American democracy. The fact that so many people in our country want such an evil future and a major political party is enabling it is a current and ongoing failure.
While that is the most significant factor, I would say the second-most-important and soon to be fatal factor is the Supreme Court. People on both sides of the political spectrum hate the Court–and rightly so. The Conservatives were always correct that the court legislated from the bench; it had to do, since our democracy, and yes our constitution, are so dysfunctional that we can’t get anything done without the court stepping in and making the change. Sometimes we Liberals have liked the changes (abortion legalized, gay marriage made legal in every state) and sometimes we have not (abortion thrown up for grabs again, Citizens United, eh pretty much everything), but I think most people agree that this isn’t how a democracy should be run.
But the Court at least used to try to put a patch of erudition and respectability on its demeanor and decisions–and now it doesn’t. We now have illegitimately selected justices, a justice who can’t even be assed to hide his corruption, and crazy, unhinged decisions.
We can’t and aren’t going to tolerate such a shitty, completely undemocratic system infiltrated by even shittier judges. It’s over, it’s done, and it won’t be long before it–and the current American order–are swept away and replaced with something else.
So here’s how it’s likely to go down if Trump is reelected:
- Trump does crazy shit.
- There is pushback, and it goes to the Supreme Court.
- If the Court doesn’t support Trump, Trump flagrantly disobeys the Court = constitutional crisis.
- If the court supports Trump, individual states refuse to obey the Court, perhaps citing the Court’s illegitimacy and Trump’s criminality = constitutional crisis.
- Both roads to constitutional crisis, however, play out much the same: Trump tries to get his way, and states and other entities disobey him and band together. Now you have two sides in a cold Civil War 2.0.
- Trump tries to use the military to turn the cold war hot, but it’s not clear that they would obey (I actually don’t think they would, especially based on how Trump has treated and talked about the military over the years).
- If the military refuses to obey Trump, then it’s game over for the US: the constitutional order has lost legitimacy, there is a huge power vacuum, and it’s a clusterfuck. What happens next is anybody’s guess.
- If the military obeys Trump, then we have a hot war, and what happens is still anybody’s guess. It’s far from a foregone conclusion that the Right will win because “they have the guns” (idiots). Other countries may also get involved as well.
I actually don’t think Trump is going to win the election. I think Biden will. Even so, I think the same type of constitutional crisis will happen anyway in the next few years: the ongoing abortion crisis is more than enough to set it off. Individual states are already in something close to a cold war over the issue, and it’s only going to get worse. Biden would never involve the military in any conflict, but we are going to see the same type of collapse sooner or later, with the Supreme Court being told to fuck off by states, whether on the right or left.
And that’s really only the tip of the iceberg. Americans on the right and left are both sick of corporations, sick of debt, sick of our inability to get anything substantial done as a country (and this is part of a global trend of people in general just being sick of the current way of doing things). To stupid, authoritarian-minded people, Trump has seemed to be a solution, exactly in the same way that Hitler seemed to a stubborn minority of Germans in 1933.
But there is no easy, off-the-shelf solution. None. Not a dictatorship, not communism or socialism. Nothing. A Civil War-style “national divorce” is also impossible. The only smart thing to do is plod forward and work for incremental change to make people’s lives better and the system fairer. It’s too bad that 30% of the electorate is too dumb and dark-hearted to let that happen.
What happens next is impossible to see, but it’s gonna be a slog.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!