Do we have any self-proclaimed liberals who own guns on the board?

I am just idly wondering. And this isn’t a gotcha thread. I’m fairly liberal on social issues (pro-choice, pro-marriage equality, etc), but I do not oppose individual gun ownership; I just think there should be straining requirements. I own handguns, a couple of hunting rifles, and one shotgun.

But that’s just me. Liberals, how many of you own guns, particularly handguns?


We have a .22. Does that count as a gun?

I don’t now, but I have. I favor some restrictions, but not outright bans except for assault weapons.

I’ve got a Sig P226 for target and home defense. And I’m pretty darn liberal. Well, maybe liberal-tarian. But I’m cool with reasonable measures of gun ownership regulation and licensure.

The default state should, IMO, be gun ownership allowable for all, but with fairly strict training, licensure and mental health/background check evaluation. And nobody needs full auto anything, or to build their own armory.

A little restraint and less big money interests (NRA, I’m looking at you) on both sides would go a long way towards reasonable accomodation for all.

Well, does a black-powder cap-and-ball antique count?

Yep. Not for self-defense – it’s a family heirloom (WW1-WW2 era pistol). It’s fully functional – I took it to the range several years ago – but we don’t own any ammunition for it.

Me. We own three .22s and want to eventually add at least one pistol a d a shotgun.

I own handguns and rifles. l have concealed carry permit. My family owns several businesses. Luckily I have never had to use them, but robbery is always a possibility because of the amount of cash would-be thieves know I may be carrying.

We had one when we lived in a rural mountain area (mountain lions, bears, wild pigs, oh my). Don’t have one now. Urban area. Small children. Different life right now. Kinda sucks. Miss the rural. :frowning:

My politics and my hobbies have never aligned very well.
ETA yes to all three categories: shotgun, rifle, handgun.

I have a .22 and a shotgun and I’m a pro-life, pro-social safety net liberal.

Me. I own a Smith & Wesson 686 .357, seven rounds, with a 4" barrel. I got it for camping and hiking.

I’m a European-style socialist.

Oh, I sold all that stuff Years ago.

Sure, but I grew up in Alaska. Fewer than I used to have. Used to have over the years: 4" Smith Model 28 .357, Hi-Standard 22 with interchangeable barrels, an original M1911 A1, Mossberg 12 ga pump, Remington 300 H&H magnum rifle, JC Higgins (Sears; not sure who actually made it) 22 bolt action tube-feed rifle, 22/410 single shot over/under, a Sig Mosquito 22 auto, and a 1890s model 32 caliber lever action.

Through turnover and actions beyond my control, I now just have the JC Higgins and the Sig. I’m a liberal, have nothing against guns as a tool, have big problems with people toting them around, as I believe it to be unnecessarily provocative.

I grew up hunting (though not very successfully). I have a shotgun and a .22 rifle. I enjoy skeet shooting a lot, and might consider hunting again.

When I was sixteen, I asked my father for a pellet rifle for Christmas, so I could shoot tin cans in the back yard.

When I came down the stairs on Christmas morning, I did indeed find a gun under the tree. But not the BB gun I had asked for; for reasons never elucidated, but I suspect arising out of some vague father to son passing-of-the-torch business, he had given me his Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun. Not exactly the sort of thing I could use to plink Coke cans in the back yard, but the sentiment was nice.*

I still own that - having shot it probably three times in the three decades since then. Nevertheless, you couldn’t pay me enough to get rid of it. And I have been shooting with friends who own Glock and Sig Sauer handguns, and it’s a lot of fun. I have no animus toward guns per se; I have a lot of animus towards gun nuts who fetishize their substitute phalluses, and think that any sort of reasonable regulation of guns is TYRANNY! I’m with picker on this - we should treat guns like we treat cars; before you’re allowed to use one in public, you must demonstrate that you can do so competently and safely.

I’m a life-long liberal Democrat, but only because the U.S. doesn’t have a decent social democratic party.

*The story does have a sequel - after years of ribbing, the whole thing having become a family story, my Dad surprised me one Christmas by giving me the pellet gun I had asked for all those years ago. My Dad is great.

Yes. 357 and 44 magnum as far as handguns.

Black powder flintlock rifle for historical demonstration purposes only. I’ve never fired a ball out of the thing and have no plans to.

I’m quite liberal but do not oppose very well regulated private ownership of most guns. On the other hand I think there are probably far too many guns lying around in people’s homes than are necessary.

I have an HK-91, a .357, 3 9mm and a .22

I also believe in strong gun control legislation, and think that the right to bear arms is not guaranteed by the Constitution.