Divided threads may put undue focus on symptoms while the problem itself does not get the lion’s share. The issue is primarily power and money and the influence that those two things produce: From the beginning of the election, to the middle of the election, to the end.
-the Lakers made it to the NBA finals- big surprise (i’m from la, so I thought i’d throw them into my argument). They had the horses
-Bush outspent Kerry by 40 million-- enough to make up 3 or 4 million legitimate votes?
-incumbents in the 2000 election in the house won ALL seats (and with a Rep owned house, their OK with that)
-Outside of legal funding, the Reps have an incrediblely well FUNDED and ORGANIZED machine.
–maybe Bush was actually wearing a wire for the debates. though it’s hard for me to believe that they really couldn’t conceal it.
–maybe the election was stolen through the election process itself. But I submit it was stolen a long time ago when they stacked the deck ahead of time. Crappy machines in Dem voting poor areas could have been an ace in the hole or insurance policy in case things didn’t work out.
My point is, does any of this really matter when only looked at separately, when the larger issue is that power has dominated throughout time (especially in hegemonic countries), and logically speaking, will, unless the balance is turned in some fundamental way. I truly see the Internet as a great assett but also see how it could be manipulated, controlled, or even censored as well. How can we make the checks and balances that we were promised into a reality. How do we do that. I believe the evidence is clear that THAT is the thread we should be focusing on, if we actually felt like making a difference in this country or any country. Otherwise, not only are we divided culuturally, racially, etc, but also even among ourselves in the inability to pool our focal strength on the dominant crux issues. The data is in folks. The cards are stacked. How will you respond? Is there a crux focal point that would bear the most fruit.
I’m not suggesting that looking at voting, wires, creating propositions that get the evangelical vote out in larger numbers, swiftboat, etc are not important to discuss, but that, in addition to those things, we identify crux targets and build, expand, and spend larger amounts of time on those. I believe that this has been the dominant organizational tactic of the conservative party and the great failing of the liberal party. The conservative party has been able to organize, identify real crux focal points, and following through–with cash and clout, of course. I think that the proof is in the pudding there, especially when you consider most people in America side with the Democratic party on issue after issue, nearly categorically as I’m aware of. So, obviously, the Reps focus on character and morality and marginalization and the power of the repeated message from their incredible propaganda empire.
If there is going to be something to go against this group, I believe it would have to be largely grassroots and very organized. It would have to be a very committed and serious citizenry to have permanent and long lasting effects. Are we there yet? Do we have the takeoff effect necessary to allow something like that to gather inertial strength and momentum? Everything has a beginning point. Are we in the window, or is that window in the future.
Democracy began to work in the 60s and then got shut down hard. Monied interests and the rich found their wallets and checkbooks springing open to keep the rabble in line. Just when people were beginning to feel empowered. We were caught off gaurd and slowly saw our voice dissappear. Now we are gaining strength again, I believe, but need to find an apparatus to reclaim OUR government. When will we be ready? When will the critical mass coelesce, take flight, and sustain flight and sustain a consciousness of higher empowerment and self worth?