If you are seeing someone, do you usually have a pic in your wallet?
On your desk at work?
Somewhere else?
I have several in my phone and digital cam, which I will produce if someone really wants to look…but since I bartend, I don’t have a desk where I can display personal items like that.
My SO had a picture of us proudly displayed on his desk til he got laid off…now he works retail, so not anymore.
If I did have a desk/cubicle, etc., I would most certainly have a picture of us displayed. If not more than one.
No, I know what he looks like.
Yeah, I should have elucidated wot.
a) I’m not yet Alzheimic and I remember what he looks like, so I don’t need photographic reminders.
b) In terms of my kids, I remember what they look like too, but they’re not cute and cuddly anymore, so I can’t show them off to disinterested onlookers.
c) There’s too much other crap in my wallet and on my desk to accomodate even MORE stuff like family photos.
Good heavens- an aquaintance has a picture of her boyfriends dick on her mobile (cell) phone which she is more than happy to share. The picture that is.
Kambuckta- let’s face it. You have too much money in your wallet.
I’m guessing the rest of him isn’t as impressive.
Nah, I don’t even carry pictures of my daughter anymore. It seems a little silly to carry pictures of an eighteen year old who lives with me. I know what she looks like, and no one else cares.
I did used to keep pictures of her on my desk, though, and probably will again.
No. I keep as few things as possible in my wallet and I hate desk clutter. I also don’t display pictures in the home.
No, unless you count the one on my phone that pops up if he calls. I don’t really carry pictures.
I have two pictures on my desk at work, of my grandparents (maternal) when they were babies.
I have a bunch of pictures on my iPod of my family, friends, etc. I don’t carry it with me everywhere, I keep it in my car but if I’ve parked somewhere questionable, I stick it in my pocket.
I have a pic of my wife on my phone which pops up when she calls.
I have my kids’ school pictures in frames in my office, as well as one of the 4 of us. I also have a picture of me & my siblings. Yes, I know what my family members look like. I just like having the photos displayed.
Yes. I have pictures of both Pepper Mill and our daughter MilliCal in my wallet.
Even if it means I have to leave out some other cards.
I did, but upon checking, I see that it’s not in my wallet where I thought it was. Don’t know where that went! I guess I’ll have to get a new one.
I know he doesn’t have any pics of me in his wallet or decorating his cubicle. Part of me is a tiny bit upset by that, but I couldn’t tell you why.
No. I don’t have a picture of him anywhere, except a very few on my home computer. We’re not really picture people.
No, we both hate having our picture taken. The only picture I have of her in my wallet is her old college ID from back in the day. She has a picture of me on her cellphone, but it’s a goofy one of me mugging for the camera. She refuses to pose for my cellphone even when I threated to wait until she’s in the shower and sneak the camera phone in and use that shot as my wallpaper. She just smiles and starts telling me Phil Hartmann jokes.
It’s too bad, because I’d like a photo of her. We have a few pictures from the army days in an album somewhere, but that’s not the same thing.
I had a picture of him in my old wallet, but he gave me a new wallet for Christmas, and the picture won’t fit in it. So it’s HIS FAULT.
Yup; one small picture of the two of us, because a lot of my friends wanted to know what she looked like (they live in India, we live in London) and it was just easier to have a picture. Then I got sentimentally attached to it. Logically, it would make more sense to have pictures of my family, since I see my SO every day and my family once a year, but…
I think there’s a picture of us together in a box somewhere that we never unpacked when we moved. This was almost two years ago.
I don’t work in an office, so no picture there. I have a 3-yo picture of my kids in my wallet–I should probably update that. No photo of my husband. He has an old photo of me on his desk, unless it got lost along the way, I haven’t paid attention.
I still have an old picture of her in my wallet from our long-distance relationship days. I don’t really decorate my work desk with much besides paperwork and a scenic calendar.