Do You Consider Yourself a Zionist?

I don’t personally consider myself a Zionist because of my good friends (who is Jewish) has argued that only Jews can properly be regarded as Zionists. Nonetheless I support the cause of the Jewish people having a nation-state like most other nations and in particular am sympathetic to Labour Zionism.

This poll is public.

I’m one of those “celebrated the holidays as a kid but haven’t set foot in a temple since the paleolithic era” people, so I’ll just keep out of the polls. But yes, I do consider myself a Zionist, despite the fact that it’s become a bit of a “dirty word” as of late (OK, “even dirtier”, maybe). I may not back everything Israel does, especially Netanyahu, but I support the establishment of a Jewish state.

I support the Israeli standpoint. I’m not sure if Canada’s newly elected Liberal government will be as supportive as the previous Conservative government was however.

I’m not Jewish.

The state of Israel has existed longer than I have, so I find the “right to exist” question a bit strange. It exists - that’s just how the world happens to be.

Israel has the right to continue to exist, just like any other country. I don’t believe that any country, including Israel (or Palestine* for that matter), should get a free pass as to its conduct, and I don’t believe that criticizing or disagreeing with the actions of the state of Israel and its government automatically makes someone anti-Semitic (although I recognise the two often go hand in hand). I’m not well-versed enough in the Middle East complexities to offer strong opinions on the peace process, beyond a vague sense that it would be nice if people stopped killing each other.

So, I dunno. Make of that what you will. I’m not going to vote in the poll.

*I realise that the term “country” might be contentious there, but hopefully you’ll take that statement in the spirit it was intended.

Ethnically Jewish, and indifferent to Zionism

I don’t even know what a Jew is anymore. And I’m not sure any “special” group should “have a nation”. As far as I see it a “nation” is an administrative area, and my preferred method of deciding the form of administration is some form of democracy.

People should have influence over whatever “nation” they belong to, whether they are Jews or not make no difference. Do we need “Jew reservations” so that they can conserve their culture? Doesn’t seem like it, especially since I can’t even say what a Jew is. Aboriginal people are probably the only ones where I see how it makes sense that they are “given” their own “nation” or reservation.

I think that, perhaps, putting Israel where it is, despite obvious historic and religious significance (and the sense-making at the time), was perhaps a mistake in hindsight. However, it’s kinda there now, has been for a while, and I support its continued existence.

But I also don’t think I’d be someone who, if Israel didn’t exist right now, would consider it an innate good to create a nation-state for the Jewish people (or any other ethnic group, it’s more complex than existing ethnicity=should have nation state).

I don’t know exactly where that puts me.

I don’t think that the term “Zionist” has any meaning in today’s world. Back in the day, a Zionist was one who believed that a state should be established as a Jewish homeland. That has now happened. It is no longer meaningful to debate whether such a state should be established.

Same, but leaning towards “not a good idea”

Technically, you’re right, but words do morph over time. (How much “Protesting” to Protestants do nowadays? They’ve got their own separate churches; they’re free. They don’t have to “protest” any longer…)

In the modern sense, I guess I’m a (non-Jewish) Zionist because I favor the continued existence of Israel. (And a two-state solution to the Palestinian problem.)

Born Jewish, no longer Jewish. I do not support the concept of Zionism. The Israelis are there now and I don’t support anyone who wants to remove them.

The nation of Israel was created as an act of British Colonialism, nothing to be proud of. The Labor Zionism may be a bit different, but it’s not was done.

Yeah, I have no idea what Zionist is supposed to mean anymore.

Do I support the existence of the nation of Israel? Yes.

Do I support the actions of the government of Israel? Not necessarily.

Do I support Netanyahu? No fucking way.

Does that make me a Zionist? I’ve no clue.

If it does, I don’t have any idea what it is.

Hard pass.

BTW, Qin, go ahead and continue using British spelling conventions as long as it pleases you to do so, but when even the Britain-based Wikipedia spells it as Labor Zionism, perhaps maintaining some consistency will help you avoid the appearance of maintaining an affectation. :slight_smile:

Wikipedia’s guidelines on whether to use british spelling or not have nothing to do with what’s most appropriate, and usually wind up being more “use whichever variation the article first used, from now until eternity”.

I have no dog in this particular fight, just sayin, that’s how they does things there.

I am a patriotic American who is often extremely critical of the actions the government of the United States takes and of the attitudes of many of its citizens. Being a patriot does not mean not being critical of American policies, actions, and attitudes.

I am also an American Zionistic Jew who is often extremely critical of the actions the government of Israel takes and of the attitudes of many of its citizens. Being a Zionist does not mean not being critical of Israeli policies, actions, and attitudes.

I believe that America could be a better friend of Israel by doing a better job of setting limits that need to be respected in return for support. Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.

“No, and I’m Unsympathetic”

Not in favour of nation-states in the first place, and ethnic-based ones even less so. I’m all in favour of the modern Israeli state, but happy it’s no longer a purely Zionist one. I see the Zionist project as essentially colonialist.

Not Jewish, but while I sympathize with the idea of Jewish people having their own homeland, I’m not so happy about all the settlement activity. While a lot of countries have used colonization in the past to spread their influence and reward loyal citizens, that was a long time ago and rolling things back is virtually impossible. With the present settlement situation, it seems that this is more a situation of trying to wrest control from Palestinians who did nothing wrong. This is causing unnecessary ill will and feeding radicalism. If Israel could stay at its own current borders and not keep grabbing land, I think there would be a greater chance for peace.

I’m ethnically Jewish (not religious at all), and I answered “yes”. I support the continued existence of Israel, and I think a two-state solution is in the best interests of Israel and the region.

I’m sympathetic to the United States, but I wouldn’t consider myself pro-Pilgrim.