Do You Dig Rush?

No, not the band this time this thread is about the fat guy(but the last picture I saw it looks like he has lost weight)on the radio.

I think he is very talented and funny. The way he presents things just crack me up. He is usually very nice to his callers and is really a straight shooter with some integrity. I know the liberal commies don’t like him because he states the truth and is fair and we all know they can’t stand the truth or being fair but such is life.

I also think he has done a good job on reporting the fiasco in Florida. He believes they(Florida) should follow the law and not try to bend the hell out of it to their liking like the democrats do.

Well what do ya’ll think? Agree or flame me. I don’t care I LIKE RUSH(the fat guy on the radio & the band is good too use to be better though)

Call of the Republican “He states the truth”. Bull-Oney.
He states aspects of facts, figures and/or polls out of context, which support his fascist views. And guess what? I’m not even right-wing bashing, because I know Liberal comentators do similar things.

But Rush has an agenda. He’ll yank anything out of his ample-sized ass to try to back it up. Then he presents it to his brain-dead “Ditto-heads” as truth, and they’ll swallow it. Much as Rush himself will swallow anything labeled “deep-fried”.

I classify myself as moderate right wing, but I am not a big Rush fan.

Maybe I am giving myself airs, but I try not to be a knee jerk conservative. Rush’s positions on any issue can be predicted. Maybe he has to do this for his radio show, maybe he really thinks this way, but I can’t automatically accept what he says unless I think it over first.

He is certainly entertaining, argues his positions passionately and convincingly, and liberals and the rest of the media (if there is any distinction between these!) hate him, so they must consider him a threat to their hegemony.

Just not to my taste. Not as painful to listen to as Dr. Laura, but that is another subject altogether.

I am surprised. I always pegged you as a consevative. Oh well I hope we can still be friends. :smiley:

But you have to admit his sense of humor is funny even though it has a conservative slant.

A few years ago, FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), a non-partisan media watchdog actually put out a book on Rush, stating and proving that despite his claim (at the time–I’ve not heard it lately) that he’s 99.5% correct was off by about 30%. He whines about Dem spin, and spins for the Repubs. He does his “audio montages” in which he takes clips out of context, and then whines about the “liberal media” taking Repubs out of context. He reads aloud one section of the law, and ignores the very next section which makes the first ambiguous.

If Rush truly believed in truth and fairness, he would speak both. Instead, he’s found that it’s far more lucrative to be a mouthpiece for conservatives in that oh-so-liberal world of talk-radio.

Me, conservative? Great Googly-moogly man, where did you ever get that idea?
I am a dyed-in-the-wool, bleeding heart, commie, pinko liberal. I make Abbie Hoffman look like Pat Buchannon.

And actually, no I don’t find Rush particularly humorous. I find him (as Shodan pointed out) extremely predictable. His comedic timing is not without worth, but it never ever ever ever changes. Nor does his material.

I have listened to Rush, off and on. But I always take him with a grain of salt. He can be very amusing, that’s all.

I used to watch his TV show. I think the thing that people underestimate, is that he can be DAMNED FUNNY! Just talking about non-political things, he can be hilarious!

Does anyone remember, years ago, he talked on his TV show about some Russian guy who supposedly could induce “psychic orgasms” in women? So Rush thought he’d try to induce a “psychic orgasm” in his female TV viewers. So he had the camera get in really close on his ample, moony face, and he gave all these goofy “orgasmic” looks at the camera, supposedly exuding “orgasmic psychic vibes”. I thought I’d DIE, I was hilarious!!! (But no, I did not have a “psychic orgasm”.)