Do you eat from food storage containers?

all the time

Why on earth are you microwaving your ice cream? :stuck_out_tongue:

I lay no claim to being civilized, so eating from containers is de rigueur.

I hardly ever “grab something from the fridge.” I live alone and I don’t cook, so it’s very rare for me to have leftovers (when your meals are pre-packaged, it’s easy to make just as much as you feel like eating). I imagine that I would have no trouble eating right from the container, though.

As a slight hijack, I usually transfer my food from whatever it was baked/microwaved in to a plate or bowl before I eat it. The exception is Stouffer’s frozen food, which I usually eat from the plastic contraption it got nuked in – but I do stick that on a plate, so I can carry/hold it without burning myself.

It depends. If it’s just me for some reason, and there’s about one serving of a single-pot meal like stew, lasagna, etc… left in the Tupperware container, I’ll heat and eat from the container without blinking. If there are side dishes or some sort of accoutrements involved like something served over rice or noodles, I’ll usually plate it up.

However, if we’re sitting down to dinner, and there are 2 servings, we’ll plate them both up even if it’s a single-pot meal.

Even if I am not reheating food I often eat it from the utensil in which I cooked it.

Mind you, when I am cooking for guests, I can plate up food beautifully and have an array of plates for the purpose, but why bother for myself?

If I’m going to eat sitting at a table I’ll heat and eat from the same container. If I’m going to eat my food slouched in my living room chair I’ll get it good and hot and then pour it into something I can comfortably hold.

If I put the storage container in the microwave, it’s because there’s only a little food left and I intend to eat all of it myself. It’s wasteful to reheat more of it than I intend to consume; likewise, it’s wasteful to use another dish.

The thought of transferring the food to a plate never even occurred to me. What’s the point?

Like I said- sometimes the container gets really hot, or it’s pretty full and I don’t want hot soup or something sloshing around, or I’m building a plate with other items on the side.


We go to the extreme of using good china and crystal stemware for leftovers and box wine. I’m just now seeing we are in the minority, but candlelight dinners do seem to taste better!

I put it in a dish. I’m not a savage like most the the people here.

Plus, as the Oatmeal demonstrates here, things taste better out of a proper dish.

For lunch, I always eat straight out of the container (I bring my lunch 90+% of the time). For dinner, it goes on a plate.

Also, “Put it in a bowl, son. You’ll enjoy it more.”



What’s so hard to understand? Once the lid comes off a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, it ain’t going back on. That ipso facto makes it a “single serving container.”

So you never, ever buy ice cream in larger containers?

You’re really not getting the joke…

Rhymers have no sense of humor. Says so in the RhymerFaq.

This. A dish is a utilitarian tool, not an opportunity to define myself.

I take leftovers to work most days and eat them out of the dish that I microwave them in.

I only use a plate if I’m only taking some of the leftovers. Then I dish up what I want onto a serving plate and re-heat it on that.