Do you eat in dreams?

The only things I remember eating in dreams were fictional foods - for example, some kind of fist-sized purple fruits that were like a very soft plum (the skin wrinkled like an old balloon when they were handled) - inside, they were filled with soft, lurid mauve juicy flesh that had an intense and delicious aromatic flavour I can’t properly describe (but if forced to, I would compare it to purple grape juice, passionfruit, pear and alpine strawberry)

Often! And I usually wake up with my pillow absolutely drenched with saliva! Ew!

No. When I dream about food, I never get a chance to actually eat it. Sometimes this gets frustrating because the reasons why generally are so illogical. But I don’t really recall ever successfully eating in a dream.

TBG, it’s not that you can’t read in your dreams as much as read coherently in dreams. Most people can read signs and stuff, but do you ever try to reread in a dream, or read something long? That stuff either changes from what it was the first time, or becomes incoherent after a couple of sentences.

I’m 63 and never even thought about it until seeing this thread. No, I never dream about eating, and am almost certain that I never have. Very interesting, because my one and only vice is overeating.

I have those, too. When I do find a good place (or even a bad one) in the dream, I can’t go . . . so far . . . thank the FSM! :smiley:

I do everything in dreams that I do awake, including walking and dancing.

I also dream of needing to pee and either I can’t find a working bathroom or there is np privacy.

I also dream of renting ahouse or flat, and the floorplans are strange, or really interesting and i would be interested in living there in real life.

I really wish I could discover thedrink i was having in a dream once-sweet tart, the perfect balance of fruit juices and rum but never one i have been able to get in bars when awake.

I have the same problems mentioned above with peeing. Sometimes though, I do find a place to go, but then what happens, no matter how long I stand there and pee, I can never seem to finish. I can recall a couple of times I overflowed the toilet!
Thankfully, I haven’t woke up in any puddles.
I don’t recall eating in my dreams, although I’m sure it’s happened. I do recall cooking though.

That’s what I find - I can occasionally read a sentence or a couple of words, but not anything long. Strangely, it seems I can do math better in my dreams than read, which is the exact opposite of my waking world. I think it is related to the halves of the brain involved in reading, math, and dreaming.

I spent about 25 years on a series of weight loss diets, and I had binge dreams constantly. I just remember being so relieved to wake up and realize that I hadn’t just eaten an entire chocolate cake.

As for peeing, I frequently dream that I have to pee, and can only find a disgusting, unacceptable toilet. Sometimes I end up in a giant warehouse filled with broken, discarded toilets; other times its a public bathroom filled with filthy, overflowing toilets. My gross toilet dreams are so common that they’re a pretty standard dream category for me. Fortunately I haven’t wet the bed since I was a child.

that has never happened to me. how [del]sane[/del] sad is that? :frowning:

Yes, and the food is always bland. The pasta sauce needs salt, the fries are soggy, the coconut cream pie is all whipped cream and no coconut – it’s like the world’s most disappointing restaurant.

This was a common dream when I was anorexic. I would dream about eating food that actually scared me in real life. One of the most common were these lime green cookies with neon orange icing.

I use to wake up feeling full and wondering if dream food could make me fat.

I’m a recovering drinker, and I’ve had similar experiences during benders.
One dream involved thinking small, round, wrapped hotel soaps were Babybels (the similarly shaped cheeses). I had completely blacked the experience out, and was only able to piece together the dream with the taste in my mouth, after I found the soaps with clear teeth marks in them.

A second time I disassembled part of a photo album while asleep, poured salad dressing on the pictures, and tried eating more than a few.

I had a very vivid dream where I was in a house where the walls were made of sugar cookies and I was eating the walls. Tasted great!

There once was a man from Walloon
Who dreamed he ingested the moon
He awoke with a lurch
And after a search
Could not seem to find his spitoon

I most definitely eat in my dreams. When I was in the Peace Corps, I was stationed in a country with incredibly bland food and we didn’t get much of that. My favorite reading was cook books. And oh, the dreams I would have of eating wonderful foods. They were very vivid dreams about the most delightful foods. I would wake up wrapped in my mosquito netting because I would be reaching for the different foods.

Yeah. I have definitely dreamed about eating recently, because just a month or two ago the doctor told me to give up gluten.

I’ve dreamed that I was cheating, and eating *regular *bread and *regular *pizza.

My life is sad, I know.

My friend dreamed that I found a “huge 15 inch across butterfly that was metallic and multi-colored” and apparently walked up to it and said, “Oh neat,” and ate it.

So I only have eaten in OTHER people’s dreams.

I have died a lot in my dreams though, and usually when I die, I wake up.

When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I couldn’t eat solid food for four days. About three days into it, I had a really vivid dream about eating a huge turkey drumstick.

I began to eat the most amazing delicious food in my dreams after a medication change.

I also began waking up with intractable, violent migraines.

After an unfortunate tongue injury, I discovered that my medication was causing bruxism, which was likely the cause of the delicious dreams.

I now wear a splint to protect my teeth and I can have harmless calorie-free dreams of whatever I like all night. I woke up this morning eating “peanut butter fudge,” and violently gnawing on my splint. I go through them very quickly.

Some of you sleep eaters may wish to investigate whether you are harming your teeth.
I also often dream of reading, especially if I am reading my kindle before sleep. Sometimes I even turn the pages, but in my dreams, what I am reading bears no resemblance to the actual book. It’s extra fun to go back in the book to figure out where I fell asleep.