Do you eat the food thingies in your mixed drinks?

The olive in your martini?

The pearl onion in your Gibson?

The lime wedge in your Margarita?

The lemon in your Long Island Iced Tea?

The pineapple in your Piña Colada?

The tofu Death’s skull in your Zombie Death Spiral?

I do?

Do you?

Fruit, yes, vegetables, no. But then I don’t care for drinks with the latter, as a rule.

The only drink I ever order is gin & tonic, which I expect to be served with a lime wedge. I don’t actually eat the lime, but I do squeeze it into the drink.

If I drank mixed drinks, sure. As it stands, my foraging as such is limited to the cherry limeades at Braums and Sonic (no ice, please).

Joe K, you are definitely an Okie Doper!

That’s the same way I order my Cherry Lime Ades.

Of course I eat that stuff!

Why else do they call it dinner and drinks?

The best part of a martini is the olive, which is why I order an extra olive. We make our own martini olives at home. Stuff them ourselves with fresh garlic, drain the juice, cover in vermouth and let them sit.

If the drink comes with lemon and needs more lemon, I’ll squeeze it into the drink. If it comes with an orange, I eat the orange, and the celery in my bloody mary is a meal. If I paid for it, and I like it, I’m gonna eat it, I don’t care who thinks it is a faux pas. I’m classy to a point, but if I have the munchies, all bets are off.

The cherry in the Bourbon and Coke…

It’s been many moons since I had one, but I feel a craving coming on.

I always eat the olive in my martini.

In summer when you have a BBQ with lots of tall refreshing mixed drinks its good to keep on hand a bowl of cracked ice and a chilled bowl of cherries, lemon/lime/orange slices, pineapple chunks and watermelon bits. Drink from big glasses with a handfull of ice and fruit to chomp on at the end of each drink.

At a club in Tulsa, I ordered a DRY Manhattan. For some reason, they always bring me a regular Manhattan. With a cherry. This time, I only got a cherry stem. In a way too sweet drink.

I asked the cocktail watress, “Hey! What happened to my cherry?”

Her reply? “I took it, darlin’.”

Needless to say, some very nice small talk came of this. I ended up staying the night in Tulsa, instead of driving back home to OKC. I’m sure you know why.

Gosh, the early 90s were great! :wink:

Yep. Definitely eat the extras - especially fruits.

However, black olives only as I can’t stand green ones… ::gag::

I always eat the olive from a martini if it’s there, when I’m nearly done with the drink. The gin and vermouth bath does the olive a world of good; at the same time the olive imparts a certain je-ne-sais-quoi to the liquid.

With that said, when I make my own I prefer the squeeze of lemon or lime; I’m not sure it’s still considered a martini at that point.