Do you eat the soft chicken bones?

You aren’t supposed to give dogs chicken bones. Or so I’ve been told all my life.

My granpap used to love gnawing on bones (he’d be at the table for hours after Thanksgiving dinner, just gnawing), but even he never actually ate the bones themselves. This is the first I’ve heard of any human doing that.

That said, I’m not actually grossed out by it-- I’d never do it myself, and I certainly consider it bizarre, but if you want to, that’s your business.

I eat the wing tips if they are really cooked.

I don’t even eat chicken wings - to me, it is like gnawing on a rat carcass.

I suppose if I were starving to death somewhere and it was the last thing there was to eat and I was losing my mind, I might possibly lick the bone or something - but otherwise, the short answer is no.

if you make chicken stock, the bones will indeed crumble. most ways I’ve seen involve simmering chicken carcasses (all bones included) for 6 to 8 hours.

Hey, thanks! I’ve wondered about this for years! I’ve made plenty of chicken stock, but I don’t cook it nearly that long.

I have an aunt who would work a pernil bone until it cracked. She then ate the marrow. A pernil and it’s giant bone..

There was this fried fish place in East New York that fried its white fish so crispy, you didn’t even notice all the annoying bones.

But no, I’ve never eaten a chicken in that fashion.

I cook a whole chicken in the crock pot all day on low. When I get home from work the chicken falls right off of the bones. The bones are so soft and some mushy it’s edible. They taste really good. Sometime I cook chicken wings and make them really crispy that the bones are so brittle you can eat those too! They are so good they taste almost like pork rinds or crispy bacon!

When I have a chicken dinner, I, too, save the bones and cook them all night for chicken stock for soup or gravy for the next day. But the treat for me is a snack of soft, savory bones with flavorful marrow, cartilage and whatever else is in that resultant slurry. This practice comes from my father who taught me how to “split the bone” to get at the insides. It reminds me of cracking open crabs or lobsters for the tiniest bits of stuff. I also will not do this at the dinner table, but my father sure did. So many people expressing disgust with the idea of consuming all parts of our food, rich or poor. At one time wings were considered almost waste. Now they are almost a delicacy! Anyway, my hair and nails also are terrific and I am well into my fifties! Maybe Slovak descent is part of it… Peace.

When I deep fry chicken wings (for buffalo style, sweet chilli sauce marinade, or just garlic dry rub), I give the drummets to the heathens, the midjoint (flats) to the others and I over-fry the tips to nearly black 'n crispy for myself. I leave no trace of hydroxyapetite on my plate, sir.

So, it IS possible to choke on someone else’s vomit! :stuck_out_tongue:

Srsly, we’re not supposed to feed cooked bones to animals, because they can splinter. They would do the same thing when eaten by a person too.

I definitely go after the cartiladge on the end of the bones, as well as the softer bits of bone on the breast. Sometimes I’ll crack 'em and go after the marrow, but not every time.

I usually leave a lot on the bones, but was curious of the nutritional benefit of eating the entire leg… I ate the gristle which was crunchy but not too hard, and then went to the bone which was almost a sponge. My initial response to biting into the bone was vomit. I’m not sure if it really tasted bad but knew my body was rejecting it. Stomach feels fine though. was wondering if there is anything wrong with eating bones from Bojangles or KFC…

Dad! You ate the bones!
(KFC ad from last year…surprised nobody’s mentioned it yet.)