Steam offers ‘early access’ games, that are almost like a Kickstarter for game developers by offering an incomplete game for sale in the hopes that enough users will pay to help the developer complete the game. In return, they are often offered some ‘perk’ as a reward for their loyalty. Do you think it is worth it to spend money on these projects?
Here’s what kind of bugs me about them- I’m used to the days where you could play the Beta version of a game for free. I used to think this was a good move by game developers- they get a legion of beta testers who they don’t have to pay, and in exchange people get a chance to play a game for free and get addicted enough to gladly pay for it when its released. It seemed like a win-win arragement.
But now, I see games being hawked on Steam that are still in the Alpha stage of development. Presumably to pay for the cost of developing the rest of the game, you end up paying the equivalent of a completed AAA title for a game that is incomplete, buggy, and likely years away from completion. This feels like a far cry from the ‘free Beta’ days (yeah, I know free Betas are still around).
Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some gems- Kerbal Space Program, for example, is an excellent ‘incomplete’ game. Its unique, addictive, and well worth the price (it also goes on sale from time to time). But for every gem, there seems to be quite a few turds in the pile. Now what I love about Steam is that during the Winter sale, I can spend $4.99 on some game I never heard of, based on a 30 second demo video, and be content that even if it sucks/gets boring after 2 days, I’m only out 5 bucks. But some of these Early Access games are asking for a pretty hefty sum!
The one that takes the cake is (a game whose title eludes me, sorry) an RTS similar to Command and Conquer, but on a ‘planetary’ scale. Now the idea of playing an RTS over an entire planet definitely got my attention; it sounded like Planetside in RTS form. An ambitious project, to be sure. But I was not so impressed with the initial price tag- $99.99 just for the privlege of playing the Alpha version :eek: . Reading reviews, it was clear the game was very early in development, with very little content, tons of bugs/issues, basically all the normal growing pains of game development- but with the added bonus of asking players to gamble a hundred bucks on something that may or may not be great. Several months later I saw the price for the Alpha had dropped down to sixty bucks. Still not impressed.
Seems the only really safe Early Access games are ‘freemium’ games that allow players to invest as much as they are comfortable. The die hards and true believers will still throw a lot of money at it (my best friend admitted to spending five hundred dollars on the free-to-play Battletech Online game :eek: ) while people that are midly curious can dip their toe in the water and hopefully enjoy it enough to spend money on it.
But then again, maybe I’m just spoiled on AAA titles that had the funding to be developed without needing a lot of user financial support, offered free betas, and had sales early enough on to be affordable. Steam is a great opportunity to find incredibly fun games for dirt-cheap ( I bought FTL for 7 bucks and still play it thanks to the $3 expansion pack!) and also get into titles that may have been popular 3-5 years ago that you never had a chance to try, but now they are only 5 dollars so why not? At least you know your PC is probably fast enough to run them!