Yeah. This is gonna sound like bragging, sorry.
My wife says I have a way with them.
Last Thanksgiving some friends brought their ill-behaved Shih Tzu / Poodle cross, Toby (affectionately described as a “Shiht-Poo”) to a group get-together at which several other folks brought dogs. Toby wanted to challenge the other dogs and was generally barky and aggressive. I sat out on the porch with him, loosely holding his leash, and over the course of 10 minutes or so, I shorted the leash every time he moved toward me, until he was sitting at my side and couldn’t move away. I then massaged him all over and spoke to him. He was fine with the other dogs after that and spent the rest of the evening quietly sitting with various people.
Then there’s the time I witched a mouse into holding still in the middle of the kitchen floor while I lowered a plastic container over him.
As a child I kept a deer mouse our cats had caught. He never bit me even though he was a completely wild animal.
This summer a Beagle/Bassett mix ran in front of our car on the interstate and my wife alertly applied the brakes just in time; I leaped out and ran him off the road, then circled around and cut off his escape route, and he sat down and waited for me to walk over to him. We were already running late on that trip because we’d stopped previously and picked up a large snapping turtle in the middle of the highway who’d been winged by a car. He bled into a cardboard box while I held him as still as I could and we drove to our exotic vet. He lived.
Last night our grieving male budgie, whose mate died quite recently, was fussing and refusing to step up or go into his cage; I approached him, addressed him calmly, stepped him up and slipped him right into his cage.
In March 2007, I dedicated myself to training and socializing the little wild stray pit bull puppy our nephew found starving on the street. She was toothy, interacting with her bite, totally unhousebroken, and did not respond to petting or food rewards. I think she’d been raised in isolation, since she did not understand other dogs.
She’s now my shadow and best little girl. Hasn’t had an accident in the house since the first month she was here. Her bite inhibition is so strong that when she plays tug of war and comes close to contacting my hand she abruptly stops and sits down with a little thump, staring wide-eyed. She’s graduated intermediate manners class and will go to agility for fun soon (finances willing). She invites every dog she meets to play, and she presses her head into the hand of any human who will stop to greet her. All this was done using strictly positive methods…and the sterling quality of the animal herself, of course.
Apologies if this sounded egotistical. I would say I get along with animals.