Apparently the hiccup girl in Florida has started hiccuping again after her month and a half bout.
I saw her on one of the news shows when she had the initial case and have to ask “Have you or anyone you’ve known had hiccups like she had?”
Not in the way of how long they lasted but how rapid they were. Hers were a constant stream of hic-hic-hic-hic-hic-hic that they said were about 50 times a minute. Whenever I or anyone I know including my infant son gets hiccups they seem to be about maybe 10 times a minute with distinct pauses between, hic…hic…hic.
The other odd thing with her case was that if she started to talk she stopped hiccuping. She could ramble on for 15 seconds or so non-stop. But as soon as she stopped hic-hic-hic-hic-hic.
Whenever I get the hiccups and try to speak the hiccup will interrupt my speaking.
I’m not about to call B.S. on the girl since there is really no reason for her to carry on like this for months but have you ever had hiccups they way she has???
Not that bad, but I’ve heard of people having them far worse for far longer.
(from a cite I can’t/don’t feel like verifying)
The most recent one I heard about caused the man to lose a SHITLOAD of weight. He couldn’t stop long enough to eat properly, so he just got thinner and thinner.
Whenever I get hiccups (infrequently, thank God) they’re not the usual hic… hic… hic. With me they’re like little explosions in my esophagus that physically hurt. I can’t continue what I’m doing, I actually have to lie down and sort of meditate them away. They’re extremely painful.