Do you have a lifetime supply of anything?

For some reason, stores around here stopped stocking my favorite-fake-sugar-of-choice, liquid Sweet ‘n’ Low. So I decided to go online and get some. I bought a case of 12 bottles, which will last me for at least six years. (Does that stuff go bad?)

That’s not really a lifetime supply, Og willing, but it got me wondering about people who stock up, or have a supply of something that will last for the foreseeable future.

I suppose that you can post you’re “I’ve had enough __________ to last a lifetime!” musings here, too.


The only thing I’ve got that will last that long is my wife.
Everything else will break or go bad!


::Looks over at stash:: well, maybe not …

String. We needed some for a school project that my son had in kindergarten. I ran into Smart 'n Final but all they had were these honking great industrial-sized spools. I was desperate (the project was due the next day!) so I bought it anyway.

The boy is in fourth grade now and the spool is not noticably smaller than when I bought it. This is despite many other school projects, and my daughter’s tendency to decorate her room with string. I suspect the cardboard box containing my ashes will be tied shut with string from The Great Spool.

Fish hooks. I was at a discount outdoors expo and stumbled into the deal of a lifetime. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of like 5000 size 2/0 fishing hooks, and I lose maybe one or two per fishing trip, so I doubt I’ll be running out of them any time soon.

Brain cells.


Rats! Too late to edit!


I have more yarn than my local yarn store. Of course, it’s only a lifetime supply, depending on how fast I can knit it and if I buy more during the course of my life. Which of course, I will.

Well, I’ve got a 3 pack of condoms. At the rate I’m going…

Converse Chuck Taylor All Star basketball shoes.
I’ve got eleven pairs.

A few years ago, I found the perfect toothbrush for me. It’s called Dentrust, and it really kicks ass. It is odd looking (reminds me of Stephen King’s Langoliers), but I found this product to be immensely better than any other toothbrush I have ever used, manual or electric.

I got a great price on Dentrust toothbrushes by ordering a gross (144) of them. I am currently 59 years old, and I wear out about 4 toothbrushes a year, so my supply of toothbrushes will last until I am 95. Even if I live that long, I don’t expect to have any teeth then.


I got enough evil in me to last this lifetime and the next, baby.

Also Bernadette Peters albums.

The second part is a joke. It is not possible to have enough Bernadette Peters.

Diaries. I’ve kept a diary since I was eight. To fill all the ones I have bought and other people have given to me, I’ll have to live to be about 297 years old.

I’m probably all stocked up on guitars, but lord knows I’ll find an excuse to acquire more of them.

I thought I had such a supply too, until I found out they actually had a best before date. I kept my free sample (heh, tell a girl your only contraception is a freebie) until it expired, IIRC at least a year before losing my virginity :stuck_out_tongue:

Gloves. Work gloves and welding gloves.

Someone I know used to work at a factory, and at one point brought home everything he could carry out that wasn’t nailed down. I’ve personally got about 20 pair of work gloves (good for gardening and construction), a dozen pair of some kind of thinner leather gloves (which my uncle prefers for gardening) and a half dozen pair of really nice welding gloves. I think I’ve only used one pair of welding gloves and 2 pair of work gloves since I’ve moved in.

I give them away a lot. He has a lot more at his house too.


The 41 cent forever stamp thing is the most brilliant marketing scheme the USPS ever thought up.

Think about it. I rarely use stamps. A yearly birthday card to my sister, the once-in-while thing that can only be mailed. I might use 4, 5 stamps a year.

I bought 80 forever stamps.

Even if I use up 40 before the price goes up again – to say, 43 cents – I only saved 80 cents, after that time and beyond.

In the meantime, the USPS has my 32.80 now.

I wouldn’t count on the fact that she won’t. :wink: