Do you have any cute first cousins?

None of my cousins on my mother’s side are unattractive, but there’s one or two who are definitely “drives all the ladies wild” material in the looks department. On my father’s side, they’re pretty distant (geographically and genealogically) and I don’t recall any being much in the looks department. Would I have considered attempting incest with any of them? No, definitely not. For the “cute” cousins, they had at least two or three equally attractive friends who were more prone to occupy my thoughts.

I’m one of a set of “identical cousins.” We were born two hours apart. However, while I am, at best, slightly above average in the looks department, she’s a dish! Truly lovely. Another cousin, over on the other side of the family, is also beautiful. (My sisters are also beautiful. I think it has to do with the drinking water…)

I have 43 first cousins. On my father’s side, part of them are 10-20 years older than me. I haven’t even seen some of them for ~30 years, so no idea what they even look like currently.

On Mom’s side, there are a couple of my male FC that wouldn’t stop a clock. :smiley: With that being the side I grew up playing / fighting with like siblings, any romantic attraction would just be EWWW!

I have… <counts> 32 first cousins, and out of them, I can think of at least five that I would consider quite physically attractive, and at least four (a partially-overlapping set) whom I would be interested in dating were it not for our consanguinity. I don’t feel any instinctual taboo towards any of them, though I draw the line at double-second-cousins-once-removed-on-one-side.

I have a very handsome first cousin but no, I’d never even when I was a silly teen who crushed on everyone think of even being mildly flirtatious with him. It’s icky.

NO! They are all either very ugly or homely. My sister and I occasionally discuss this and thank Og for mom’s genes. We are both very pretty* (although she admits I am the prettier :wink: ) Also my dad is much better looking than all of his (9) siblings.

*many, many unsolicited complements over the years

Not that I know of. all but one are dudes, and the one who isn’t I haven’t seen in years.

but still, man, this ain’t backwater Arkansas. I mean, really.