A little while ago I was arranging some important details of our finances for my wife, in case anything happens to me - passwords, documents, how to access our son’s college fund account, stuff like that.
Now, I would like to live at least long enough to enjoy my grandkids, I think that would be a fulfilling thing for me, but my son being 2, well, that’s a long time to bank on. Also, my end might be sudden.
We could be invaded by aliens, and I end up saving the world by flying an F16 up their death-ray. Or I might develop sentient AI, which then murders me for preventing it from taking over the world. There are a huge number of plausible scenarios for my sudden departure from this mortal coil, possible ends where I wouldn’t have a chance to say goodbye.
So I thought that maybe I should have some stuff written somewhere, maybe accessible through where we keep our records on the cloud or something, some place someone would know or would be likely to access in case of my sudden rapture.
A few words of goodbye to my wife, and my son, something I would update every once in a while. Any of you guys have thought about doing something like that? What have written or what you say? No need for details unless you fele like sharing, just what kind of topics would you want to cover?