Do you know anyone with violet eyes?

Yeah I’m wondering the same thing. The two pics in the OP are just blue. I don’t see how anyone would say they are violet. :confused: (When I think of violet, that smiley comes close. Like this photo: Violet

I’ve seen them range from purple to blue to white and shades between these colors and striping or speckles. They also come in yellow with no blending to different shades. Google violets and see some of the variations.

Nearest I’ve seen is a friend with very light blue-grey eyes. If he wears purple his eyes reflect that color and appear violet. It’s a reflection though, not the actual eye color. They can also appear green or blue or grey, depending on the lighting and what he’s wearing.

Drizzt Do’Urden?

Aqualad (now called Tempest) has purple eyes.

I welcome our new Robot Overlords.

If he asks, tell him I said that.

I’ve heard that Elizabeth Taylor has violet eyes.

Oh, hell, no. You can tell him that, I’m not messing with robot overlords, they’re worse than zombies. Plus you’d think that they wouldn’t look like middle aged short electricians with a beer gut, would you? Part of their master plan, methinks.

They are really cool though, hypnotizing. I’ll shoot the shit with him, just to see them.

Oh, I just remembered-wasn’t there some older actress, I think she was a star as a kid in some horse movie, sorta famous but her name escapes me at the moment-didn’t she have violet colored eyes? Man, what was her name? It’s on the tip of my tongue. It’s gonna bug me until I remember.

Sophia Loren?? Her eyes were more brownish though. I do think Elizabeth Taylor had violet eyes…

Both hands!”

Man it’s been along time.

Elizabeth Taylor in National Velvet.

Hey, didn’t she have violet eyes?

Seriously people, this was a famous actress, I think she was married a couple of times, even had her own perfume, I can picture the perfume commercial in my head. Gambling, diamonds, something like that. Surely someone has an idea?

Liv Tyler? It was something like that …

When I googled elizabeth taylor violet eyes, I got this image:

Looks blue to me.

This pic makes Liz look like she has violet eyes. I’ve seen others too, but I can’t find them.

My god, Elizabeth Taylor was a stunningly beautiful woman!

I heard that she was the inspiration for the song Rio, by Duran Duran.

Phyllis Diller?

I do not want to know what Phyllis Diller smells like.

I knew someone in college whose eyes were - or looked - turquoise. She swore they were not colored contact lenses, and I never saw her looking any different (even in the mornings when she didn’t have makeup on - she lived in the same dorm with me). I have never seen eyes that color again, and am not entirely sure to this day if they were natural or not.