We just got a new kitten and I love his eyes! They’re green around the outside, but a beautiful blue toward the inside. Is this common? Will his eyes stay like this or turn all green (or all blue)?
[Here are some pictures](E:\All Pictures\Cats2\Jork3\index.html). Click on the pictures to get a larger version. The digital camera isn’t quite accurate. The inside color looks more greenish blue in the pictures than they actually are in real life.
I hope the flash didn’t hurt his eyes, but he didn’t blink or jump down to get away from it.
I don’t remember how old you said he was, but going by his size I’d say his eyes could stay that color. Kittens are born with blue eyes, but they change as they get older if they’re going to be another color. I hope they stay that way - they’re beautiful!
He looks like a sweetie.
For lots of good fun playtime, get a laser pointer. I can get a couple of mine six feet up a wall with it.
Cervaise, haha! You’re right! A little bit more cropping and it’ll be perfect.
We don’t know how old he is exactly. My brother-in-law found him outside by a woods. He was smaller, but most likely weaned. His girlfriend took him to the vet and had him checked over and shots done. At that time the vet said he was too young to get neutered, so we’ll have to do that. Soon, I assume. They had him for a few weeks before we got him, so he’s not a toddler kitten kitten, more like a kindergarten kitten. In the pics he looks older than he does when I’m holding him. He’s growing fast though.
When he first came here (Sept. 17) he was eating Science Diet for kittens. Now, even though I have a dish out with his kitten food, he prefers our older cat’s Senior Science Diet. Do you (or anyone) know if that will hurt him? He sure does eat (and poop!) a lot.
Since I didn’t see him when he was younger I didn’t know he had blue eyes. I was hoping it was the opposite, starting out green and gradually turning blue. Ah well, I hope they stay as they are too, because I agree, the blue is really beautiful.
Probably won’t hurt him, exactly. But it isn’t helping him as much as it should. Kitten food is high octane stuff, relatively speaking, to fuel all that growth. Senior food is designed for just the opposite.
I’d try to seperate their feeding if it’s a persistent issue.
What a pretty kitty! But older than a kitten, no? He looks so happy and content to have been adopted by a loving family
(love the disembodied head pic - eyes that say “peek-a-boo! I see you!”)
Tamerlane nailed it - the senior formula is made to help prevent older cats from gaining weight, so it’s really not the best fuel for a high-energy kitten. He has to eat more of it to get the energy he needs. You also want to make sure the older cat doesn’t get at the kitten food - it will plump up a cat fast. If you can feed them separately it would probably be best.
Get him neutered as soon as your vet will do it. Sooner if you can find another vet who will. The younger the better in terms of recovery time, and bad habits don’t become bad habits if they never get started. Early neuter does not stunt the growth of a kitten, altho that is a myth dearly cherished by some. Mr. Spock was about 7-8 weeks old when I got him from the Humane Society, and he was neutered when I brought him home. He now weights about 25 lbs, and is a very looooong cat. If early neutering stunted his growth, I’m glad. Otherwise I’d be able to ride him!
Hmm, I’m not sure how I could separate their feeding. The older cat, Ecto, probably doesn’t need Senior. The food bag is an artifact of our two elderly cats who were probably 17 and 18. Ish. We don’t know exactly because they were both strays. One (Otto) was full grown but still young and the other (Harvo) was a kitten when we found them within a day of each other in 1989. Harvo died in December and Otto died in January. Ecto was full grown when he found him as a stray about 5 years ago. It was easier to feed them all Senior. The last time my husband went to buy cat food, he bought a 20 lb Senior bag out of habit even though there was only Ecto to feed at the time.
Since Ecto is probably not that old (certainly not as old as Otto and Harvo), he could probably eat regular food.
How about perhaps a compromise with Regular Science Diet or something in that middle range. Would that work? Otherwise, any tips for separate feeding. We’ve always been “On demand” feeders. In other words, we make sure their bowls are full all the time and let them eat when they want.
On preview, SnakesCatLady, luckily Ecto turns his nose up at the kitten food. We do plan to neuter Jork very soon.
anyrose, he’s not a hold in your hand kitty but he’s pretty young. I guess, since I’ve been around older cats for so many years, I call any very young cat a kitten. But, as I said, he’s smaller than the pictures indicate. I had the zoom lens on him, and he was less than 2 feet away.
I love how he sits beside me and puts his head on my arm while I’m typing. He just started doing that.
Just wait. He’s warmin’ you up. As he gets older, he will gradually creeeeep over until you have a warm fuzzy cat body lying across your mouse arm. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to play games with a cat lying over your mouse arm?
Jork has started doing something that my most beloved cat, RanTan (who died 2 years ago) used to do, and that’s curl up in my arms in front of the keyboard. There’s a distance between my body and the keyboard and it’s almost perfectly cat-sized. I don’t have a picture of Jork doing it yet, but here’s a picture of RanTan doing it. Unfortunately, I lost the original in a hard drive crash, and so I only have it sized for a sigpic that I used in another forum. It’s the 4th picture.
That first silly-assed cat picture is how RanTan used to sleep all the time. He’d jump up on the arm of the chair, then lay down (quite a balancing act), then move forward to rest his head on my thigh, then gradually, as he got more and more comfortable, move to that position and sleep like that for the longest time. I always wondered what it looked like so my husband took the picture using a cheapo digital camera we had back then. Here’s a bigger version:
That picture of Jork resting his head against my arm…it made me cry the first time he did it, because Otto used to do the same thing (that’s a different computer, with an L-shaped desk).
Ha! No kidding. He almost seemed like it sometimes. Here’s my favorite picture of RanTan. This might sound weird, but it’s a capture of my desktop picture.