OK, set up, I have two adult cats, one rather fat (idleness due to having been born with only three feet. The other normal. I feed the two of them a ‘less-active’ dry cat food.Both seem to like it just fine.
Enter the new kitten. He’s cute & Frisky and all that stuff. He’s also very hungry and want so be first to the food bowl. No problem. But he is a kitten and should probably eat kitten food, rather than the diet stuff.
So, first day I pour out kitten food for him, he sniffs at it and eats a kibble or two whilst I ready a second bowl for the older girls and pour out diet food for them.
Kitten then races over to the new bowl and sticks his head under the stream of food to start eating their diet cat food. “???” I wonder. I pick up kitten and bring him back to the kitten food bowl. He sniffs at it and races back over to the diet food bowl.In the process shoving the older cats (who are still getting used to him) out of the way.
This happens for a couple of days. Then I think I am clever. I decide it must be the pouring food sound that attracts him. So I put the bowls on the counter and fill them. I place kitten food down first. He sniffs and eats a nugget or two. Then, when his attention seems rapt by the food, I place the other bowl for the anxious older females.
Let’s just say suddently the Kitten food was the kitten’s second choice, again.
This goes on for a couple of days. Then I think I am clever.
I pour out some diet food into the bowl.Then put a layer of kitten food on top, thinking he will eat that forst to get to the diet food.
One bowl is placed onthe floor. Kitten shoves his face into the bowl and sprays kitten food everywhere to get at the lovely diet cat food underneath. Female cats lap up kitten food now on floor, kitten eats diet food. Mr. Miskatonic sighs.
This happens for a couple of days. Then I think I am clever.I decide kitten just doesn’t like that brand of kitten food. So I go out and get a new bag of a different brand fo kitten food.
Suffice it to say, diet cat food is Kitten’s first choice.
I think naming the kitten “BucketHead” is becoming more appropriate, n’est pas?