Today, I de-lurk for a kitten.

Hello everyone! I’ve been lurking MPSIMS and IMHO for quite a while, but it’s finally time to come out of hiding. You can thank a particular kitten for that… and, so I don’t get roasted over my very first post, here’s a clicky for ya:
(Is there some cooler way to share those?)

Anyway, this kitten comes with a bit of a story. You see, I’m currently on the hunt for a job, and today I flew out, interviewed, and flew home. My fiancee was generous enough to drive me to the airport before work, and drive me back home after, since the hours ended up about right for that. As we were heading home, we were discussing my impression of the company, how her day went, etc., and I noticed a wad of paper or something flutter across the road. Didn’t pay it too much attention… until I glanced again, of course.

:eek: That’s no wad of paper, that’s a kitten! :eek: :eek: :eek:

“Oh, man! Uhh… umm… uhh… turn around!” sez I, since we’re northbound and the little fluffball was last seen scaredy-crawling right in front of an oblivious SUV in the southbound left-turn lane. (What would you say when you’re thinking “There’s no way we’re going to get there before kitten pancakes!”?)

She (my fiancee, remember?) got the car turned around while I explained what was going on, and we headed back toward that intersection. We had a red light, so there were several cars in front of us in the fabled Left Turn Lane of Certain Doom. I didn’t see a cat, and I think She (we’ll go with that for now) was starting to think I was nuts. We agreed on a rendezvous plan, I hopped out, and walked up the grass median toward the intersection.

Hey look! A little grey fluffball huddled up in the mud caught in the mouth of the storm drain, shaking and staring at the big black SUV that must have straddled the little thing at one point.


Of course, little needle claws flew in all directions, but at least we were safe from traffic. I just may have saved a kitten today. :cool:

Hopping back into the car, practical concerns come to mind. This is a truly widdul kitten! Did I just steal kitten from mommy? I didn’t see any other cats around, and there’s not too much residential property in that immediate area… so maybe even if I did, it was still the right thing to do? :confused:

My instinct was that a vet visit should be our first stop, but by the time we made it back to familiar territory, all the local vets were closed. Some discussion and a visit to the local pet store solved some of the issues, but we’re still left with some questions.

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve (hopefully) seen some cute kitten pics and maybe even enjoyed the story about how we cane into contact with said kitten. This is where I turn the tables and ask to hear from you! :wink:

I know several people on this board have been in the “kitten rescue” situation before, and I’d like some input on what we’re doing right / wrong / whatever. We will also be visiting a vet ASAP, but I’d be interested to hear from Dopers too. Some of the trouble we’re having is related to the fact that we have no idea what this cat’s age is, other than “young”.

First, I suppose a slightly more detailed description of the cat is in order. Some of these items are somewhat vague, since we’re on sort of “tentatively friendly” terms at the moment. Things seem to be going better after a few feedings, though, so maybe it’ll work out. Anyway, here’s the info so far:

[li]Mixture of mostly short fluffy hair and some longer, less fluffy hair.[/li][li]Some teeth, but not sure how many or if they’re “adult teeth” (how to tell?)[/li][li]Icy blue eyes.[/li][li]Refuses both dry and wet kitten food.[/li][li]Greedily gobbles kitten “milk replacement”.[/li][li]Doesn’t seem to understand litterboxes yet.[/li][li]Cries when bladder is full, then “oops”. (See above)[/li][li]Cries when hungry - about every 2 hours. (Been hungry for a while maybe?)[/li][li]A “cry” sounds very much like a small bird, though that has improved somewhat (less raspy) after a few feedings.[/li][/ul]

Most of my questions revolve around things like: should we be trying to start litter box training yet? Is formula the right thing to be feeding this little thing, or did we just pick a brand of food that isn’t worthy, despite the apparent extreme hunger? Anything else I should be aware of here? I’m fairly competent with cats, but have never dealt with kittens this young.

Ok, so, uhh… I think that’s it for now. Heck, that’s probably way more info than you wanted for now! Anyway, any info or advice that might help his little meeper stay (or get?) healthy would be very much welcomed :slight_smile:

I’m afraid I’ve no advice. (Never had a cat, but hoping to get one this summer.) Just posting to say that is one cute cat!

Keep feeding her/him the formula until a vet says otherwise. The little thing may just be too young for solid food and nutrition is vital at a young age. The hunger every two hours doesn’t seem to be terribly unusual. My cat has a litter of kittens and she wanders off to feed them about that often. I wouldn’t worry about litter box training at this point (nor would I have the slightest idea of how to do it). Good on you for saving the cute little fluff ball.

Awwww!! Cute wittle gwey tabby kitten! Awwww!! Awwwwwwwww!!!


To business. About the litter training; with all our cats (that’s 7, 6 of them from kittens) we’ve found that the best way to get them used to the idea is to dust some litter over an “oops” and then sweep it up and put that back into the litter tray. They rapidly associate the smell with the location, and we’ve usually had ours well trained in a few days. As a very rough guess, that kitten looks to be about the same age as our last were when we got them, so I’m going to pass on what my vet said to us. Re: food, we kept them on a fairly thin mix of baby formula and water (with a little milk, but not too much because it’s too rich for them). Every 2-3 hours sounds about right - small frequent meals, just like a baby. All ours have been fairly disciplined about food, so we used to leave some out for them overnight (unlike our dogs, who eat just about as much as you put in front of them).

As with all things, YMMV. But congrats on rescuing a kitten and making the world a better place! :slight_smile:

Awwww! Him’s a cute widdle kitty! Yes him is!

Mommy cats stimulate their kittens to go to the bathroom by washing them. You probably want to use a warm washcloth for this, unless you’re really trying to duplicate the mother cat experience, in which case I recommend stocking up on Listerine.

Enjoy your new overlord!

Nice job on the kitten scoop! He looks close to six weeks old in my opinion.

Keep trying the canned food and kibble, he’ll start to go for it soon.
Avoid giving him table scraps or you’ll find him rooting in the garbage can when he’s older. Try a small cardboard tray as a litter box to start with, placing him in it when you notice that he is sniffing around for a place to poop.

Good luck. Keep us posted with updates and de-lurk more often.

In case this wasn’t [del]crass[/del] graphic enough, truly tiny newborn kittens can’t poop on their own. Their mother takes care of this by licking their buttholes, which makes them poop. Assuming you don’t want to lick kitten ass, take a moistened terrycloth washcloth, pick up her tail and gently rub her anus in little circles with the cloth.

This is only if she isn’t pooping on her own, of course. If she is, don’t worry about it.

Oh no way! Kitty is impossibly cute!!! :smiley:

The vet will be able to tell approx how many weeks old he is. My guess, and it’s just a ‘guess’ mind you, is that he’s about 7 or 8 weeks.

Make sure you give the little guy lots of lovin’s!

Awesome job saving him!

Looks like you’ve gotten plenty of good advice, porridj. I just wanted to say that I like you already, and I had a hard time reading the rest of your post after “Yoink!” because I was giggling too much. :slight_smile:

Well now, we’ve just pinned the Amp at 11 on the Cute Meter, haven’t we? God. I miss kittens. Got 4 cats, and of course that is NOT THE SAME. :slight_smile:

One bit of advice from a life-long cat person: Get to a vet asap. Basic exam, checking for little ugly things like ringworm, etc. Shots. Etc. Also, vet will have a good handle on how old Cecil is. ( Hey, you joined the Straight Dope over this? Name the damned cat after our Perfect Master. :smiley: ) Additionally, said vet will have products on hand that may make it easier for kitty. At that age, lacking mommy milk, kitty will go for synthetic kitty formula and baby food.

In the fall of 1981, I moved to Mt. Vernon, NY. That winter my housemate Pam was walking her terrordog Prince. It was just so bitterly cold, but Prince heard something and went nuts barking. She got him home, grabbed me and other housemate Don and we went searching.

Someone had thrown a brown paper bag ( the size you use for your lunch, or kid’s lunch) over the tall hedges. Inside the bag were 4 kittens. They were by all estimates about 24 hours old. One was dead, either from exposure or the impact of hitting the ground.

The vet at the 24-hour emergency clinic on Central Ave. told us to give up on them, that they were too young, they would need nonstop attention, feeding, anal stimulation for the events described in posts above, etc.

We couldn’t leave em. One got sick, and was always a bit runty but the three of em survived to wicked old ages. :slight_smile:

Stick with her, you did a real Mitzvoth today. Very lovely Karma. And, congratulations to the new Mom and Dad. Hope you get the job.


This is probably only useful if you are in the market for another cat, but one thing that we had happen with a young cat having problems was our older cat sort of took over and ‘taught’ the poor little guy what he needed to know… including how to eat and use the litterbox.

This of course is probably going to come down to cat temperment as some cats would probably just ignore Jr. or try to eat him :slight_smile:

I see. I didn’t know that… thanks for the info. I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any solids yet.

Wow. I can’t understand how people can do that… congrats on your success!

Actually, we have two other cats, both fixed adult females. Mischief and Mayhem, to be precise. So far, they seem content to stare and hiss… hopefully we can work out some of the issues there, but for now (and pending a vet’s blessing) physical contact between the age groups is severely restricted.
Thank you all for the advice and encouragement! Also, for the record, current evidence suggests that the feminine pronoun would be appropriate in referring to this particular fluffypuff, so perhaps “Cecil” might not express the intended sentiment. :wink:

If kitten formula is all the baby is getting at the moment, you won’t be seeing a lot of solids yet. With my rescues, a warm damp washcloth rubbing the lower tummy did the trick. I would do it after every feeding. If there are teeth, you can start with a mixture of dry kitten food (nothing cheaper than Purina) and meat baby food. If you start by mixing a bit of formula into it, the smell may attract the kitten a little better.

She definitely is old enough for litter training. After the washcloth routine, put her in the tray and gently scoop the litter with her foot. She’ll get the idea pretty quickly.

More thanks for rescuing a baby! She is a beauty!

Then Diva? (AKA) TubaDiva?

You have a Mischief and a Mayhem? I think you’ve just found a “Havoc”.

That’s also the name of my ferret, Havoc, the carpet monster.

porridj, I have several print-outs I’d be happy to send if you’d like to provide an e-mail address. I don’t seem to have the permissions to contact folks directly though the board (??). However, I’m not sure you much more, you’ve gotten some excellent advice already, and if you are seeing a vet soon, you should get the rest then. Let me know, I’ll keep an eye on the board, or email me at flynbmw at hughes dot net.
Congratulations, she is a BEAUTY. Please keep us posted on how she does.
And, on her behalf, may I say “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU”. You done a real good thang.

That is an ADORABLE baby kitty!

Well done Saviour of Kitten! :slight_smile: That is one pretty cat - little grey tigerlet.

The power of cute compells you! The power of cute compells you!

To take it further than Snakescatlady, to get kitty to piss or poop on command, take him/her to the litter, and gently rub his/her butthole/peehole with a damp cloth. It’s gross but that’s what mommy would do with her tongue. You won’t need too many trips before the kitten understands what the litter is for.

… And a belated welcome to the SDMB, porridj. :slight_smile: With extra bonus greetings from the CelynCat who is lazing on top of the monitor.