Due to having had a baby, I am on a lot of Formula mailing lists. I am breastfeeding so I am not going to use these coupons. It seems a pity to throw them out because I know that someone out there might really need them.
I will give mine to the first person who replies.
To those of you who have extra coupons as well, please post. Maybe someone else can use them.
I’ll take 'em! We us Similac Advance, if you have any for that. Shoot me an email and I’ll give you my address. Thank you!!! Formula is pretty expensive and WalMart, which is a few dollars cheaper per can, only stocks what we use periodically.
I get stuff from all manufacturers. Do you only want that kind?
The brand I currently have some for is Nestle’s Good Start. I have a coupon for a free can and a $1.00 coupon. I know I have others somewhere in my piles of papers on my desk.
Yeah, that’s the only kind we use. Don’t go to any trouble searching for anything, though…if you happen to run across a Similac one, let me know! We used to get all those coupons, too, but for some reason they stopped sending them after a couple months.
Maybe there are other people interested in the other brands.
May I recommend the Giving Tree, a Livejournal community that allows people to give away items to those who need them. I think it’s a really spiffy idea, and no doubt there are some mothers on there who could use some extra formula. Just a thought.
I have a ton of formula coupons too, and will gladly send them to anyone who wants them. I also have some of the “check” type coupons that have my name on them, but I have used those with someone else’s name on them with no problem. Just email me with an address and brand you prefer: angela AT stellaluna.org