Do you pick up your bacon with your fingers?

I was at a diner picking up some lunch, when I glanced over and saw a casually-dressed (yellow, shortsleeve shirt with a button-down collar, and jeans) man finishing his breakfast. He was eating his bacon with his fingers. I noticed it because I eat bacon with a fork.

How about you?

Fingers if:
[li]my hands are clean, and[/li][li]the bacon isn’t too sloppy, and[/li][li]I feel like it.[/li][/ul]

Otherwise, I use my toes.

Fingers. Period. Fork feels forced. I am eating a comfortable breakfast and in pyjamas and drinking coffee, so yeah, I just pick the bacon up…

But then, I eat asparagus spears with my fingers if I am in the mood, too…

Yes, isn’t that how you’re supposed to eat it?

One my friends still eats pizza with a fork. Buncha utensil wierdos…

No. Knife and fork only.

Finger person here.

Fingers only. I’ve never seen anyone eat bacon with a knife and fork. Ever.

Knife and fork, unless it’s a bacon sandwich.


Because I’m neither uptight nor a weirdo. :wink:

Fingers only. Then I’ll dip it in the maple syrup on my pancakes.

I’ll dredge my bacon in the syrup if I’m eating pancakes. Only I still do it with the fork. Maybe it’s some Naval Etiquette i picked up from dad. Officers were expected to eat even fried chicken with a knife and fork.

At a restaurant, I’ll probably use a fork. Otherwise: fingers, dude.

The roblem with using a fork is that crispy bacon, well, it doesn’t fork too well.

Is this a consquence of the Great Bacon Divide between the USA and the other English-speaking peoples?

I didn’t know anyone ate bacon except with the fingers.

Not at all. Just lift it from underneath.

It’s been done in a thread I started. And the OP can also expect to have people tell him it is impossible to do what he already does.

Where it then teeters, then falls into your syrup, spotting your tie and costing you that promotion. This intensifies your financial woes, leading your wife to divorce you, your kids to become drug addicts and hookers, and generally bringing about Global Thermonuclear War, or the return of the Democrats to power, whichever you feel is worse. Just isn’t worth it, man. Use your fingers!

Hey, I even posted to that one! Ah, well. Getting older, short term memory loss… To clarify my post in the other thread: I eat bacon with a fork. If I’m not eating, but doing something else (e.g., cooking the rest of breakfast) I’ll pick up a piece of bacon with my fingers from the paper towels they’re on. But if I’m eating, then it’s the fork.

Not while it’s cooking in the frying pan.

On the plate, yeah, of course.