That phrase gets thrown around a lot but I don’t see it that way. A lifespan that is close to the norm seems awfully long in human terms to me.
I am 32 now. It already seems like I have been around for a long time. It boggles my mind that in 32 more years I still won’t even be at retirement age. Longevity runs in my family so I am likely to live close to 32 more years after that. That is a long time.
Do you think that the typical life is “too short”?
That’s an interesting question. I am 57 years old, and I am not likely to live more than another five years or so. I believe my life is too short. I don’t feel as if I’m finished yet.
My grandmother died recently at the age of 98, and I don’t think her life was too short. She was a bit addled, but she enjoyed herself quite a bit, and I think she’d done most of what she wanted to do.
My mother is in currently in her late seventies, and she’s a fireball who travels, participates in umpteen social groups, and generally stays more active than most people half her age. I hope my mom lives into her nineties. She certainly has enough energy and drive to maintain an active mind, if not an active body.
A typical lifetime is far too short for me to do and be all the things I want to. I have a really wide range of interests that I want to fully explore. I also have a lot of curiosity about the future. I wish I could stick around for the next 1000 years at least.
:eek: :eek: :eek: You’re okay, right? Everything in mostly working order?
As far as myself, I have to agree with Can Handle The Truth. In an earlier thread about for what we would actually sell our souls, I said that I would do so for the ability to review future history and choose when to live. Implicit in this is that I would choose a time period where I would have access to some means of obtaining a lifespan considerably longer than today’s average of 70 or 80 years. There’s just so much to learn and do.
I’ve squandered my youth; now I’m not sure I’ll realize my goals before I die. I want more time. I want to enjoy myself, but there’s that ticking clock hanging over my head. I may die before I have a chance to retire, before I have a chance to travel extensively, before I get to do all the things I want to do.
I honestly never expected to reach my present age. Now that I have, I have to say that life is indeed too damn short. It is sobering and a little bit scary to realize that I most likely have only another fifteen years at best. Damnitall, I don’t wanna die.
Not that life is too short, but that the fun parts go by too fast.
Money is a bigger factor than time. The reason that I haven’t skied, hangglided, canoed, jetskied, or any of the many other things I would like to do isn’t lack of free time, it’s lack of money. I can make the time, I just can’t take the risk that spending my money now will mean not having when I’m old and I need it.
I don’t think life is too short, but I do think it’s a damn shame that I was so wrapped up in myself when I was younger that I wasn’t able to start enjoying it earlier. Oh, yeah, and while I don’t believe life is too short, I do believe that there aren’t enough hours in the day.
Between all the things I hear I’m supposed to do - have a satisfying career, have a satisfying home life, work out as many times a week as possible, indulge my spiritual side, volunteer, do pilates or yoga at least three times, weight lift at least twice, relax, enjoy my friends, enjoy my family, enjoy my alone time, have a clean house, eventually have children - I really don’t feel like the days are nearly long enough. Either that or I need to shut out all the noise that tells me I have to do all those things and focus on what’s important to me.
I could quite easily cope with doubling my life span. Just as long as it meant the ageing process slowed by half. It would kind of suck just to have an extra 60 years of decrepitness.
Life is too short. And, just to rub it in; youth is wasted on the young.
Hey if you really feel it’s too long, feel free to check out at any time.
I don’t know if it’s too short, but it sucks that we tend to peak relatively early.
I’m 62 and there simply is not enough time left to do everything I’d like to do. My father died at 79 but my mother is now 92 so, barring accidents, I expect to have a decade or two at least. Problem is that time does take its toll and my concern is that I’ll lose my physical strength before I’m ready.
When that does happen, I’ll at least have memories of the things I did to mitigate the regrets for the things I didn’t do.
(Of course, that would lead to an entirely different take on life. Would I ride a motorcycle if I were jeopardizing 460 years of continued existence ? Probably not… Bummer. :mad: )
I think life is entirely too long. It’s a struggle to get through the day sometime, and knowing I have thousands more to live through really brings me down. Not enough to check out early, but still, enough to make me smoke and not take care of myself and do other things to limit the amount of time left to go. Living another couple dozen (or even a hundred) years would also require working a lot longer, and I don’t want some corporation to have even more of my time. They already have too much of it. And it’s not like I’m ever going to have enough money to travel or do any of the things I might like to do. I really don’t want to have to go through two hundred more years of living paycheck to paycheck in a crappy apartment. And besides, I think wanting to live a super-long time is selfish. Other people can use my resources (food, air, water) much better than I can, I’m sure, and I’d feel bad depriving them of it.
At least most of my relatives died before reaching seventy. So I won’t have to hang on for that long.