Do you sleep through the night?

Very, very seldom. I used to, when I was younger. But when I got pregnant for the first time at the age of 25, and the baby got big enough to press on my bladder, I’d have to get up at least twice a night to pee. Ever since then, it’s extremely rare that I don’t have to wake up at least once to pee. Now my right kidney is going bad, and several times a week, pain from that wakes me up. I have pain medication, but it disrupts my sleep cycle; so, I have a choice: I can sleep poorly because I’m in pain, or I can sleep poorly because I’m on drugs to treat the pain. Sigh.

Still, I try not to feel sorry for myself. It’s not like this is the worst affliction one can have.

I do not. I sleep well and soundly for the first 4 hours. Then I toss and turn a lot.

Okay, I just realized my daughter is logged in. I am not DarkButterfly, I’m norinew. Sorry.

Ever since I’ve started going to the gym in the morning, I’ve noticed I wake up at least twice during the night.

Maybe it’s because I know that the alarm will go off the first time at 4:15am (yes, that’s in the morning) that my body doesn’t completely relax. I usually hit the bed around 9pm, read for a bit, and it’s lights off by 9:30p. I’m usually bang off unconscious fairly quickly, but I will usually wake up, look at the clock, realize it’s not 4:15 yet and go back to sleep.

Not anymore I don’t. And I’m very, very tired. Right now, my eyes are watering I’m so tired.

It seems like the only time I can get any real good sleep is if I’m away from my husband. Between his snoring, the TV, his scanner, the dog, the lights in the hall - I can’t sleep at all anymore. And it’s taking it’s toll on me. :frowning: Unfortunately, most of those things are non-negotiable. Every once in a while I tell him he has to sleep on the couch when I’m really at the end of my rope - that’s the only way I can sleep through.

Nope. I’ve always woken up once or twice and gone right back to sleep, but now, even though my three-month-old is sleeping through the night most nights, I still wake up at every noise he makes, and since he’s a noisy sleeper, it’s a few times a night.


I used go through phases. For a couple months I’d sleep through the night and feel great. Then there would be a couple months of having to get up to pee every single night. Then I’d go back to sleeping through.

Then I got cats. And even when they used to be locked out of the bedroom at night, I’d still hear them and wake up. So for the last two years that I’ve had cats, I haven’t slept through the night except when I go home to visit my parents where there aren’t any cats to make noise. ::sigh::

No. I have a cat.

Let me get this straight. Your husband knows you’re dead tired, and yet you can’t get him to turn off the TV or go in the other room or turn off the light?

I’d be sleeping in another room, permanently. IMHO, this is a symptom of a larger problem in your marriage. How could he be so discourteous?

Ivylad sleeps at odd hours due to his health. We ALWAYS tiptoe around each other if one is asleep.

7 hours, like a rock. The most I’ll do is turn over to see the time. It’s funny, too, because if the SO tries to wake me in the middle of the night it’s nearly impossible but nearly 7:00 - when my alarm goes off - I wake up at the lightest pat.

If I screw up this schedule and don’t get my 7 hours, I am miserable. I can sleep more with relative ease, though.

The SO never sleeps through the night.

I usually sleep well, but I’m a fairly light sleeper so it’s normal for me to wake once or twice at night for various reasons. Typically I will go back to sleep immediately, but the next day I will remember that I woke up.

Maybe once a week or so I will sleep all night without waking.

I do, with the help of a prescription sleep aid.

Carlyjay, I second the vote to go to a doctor. It sounds like you’ve got something else going on there that’s waking you up that often; that’s just not right.

Missy2U, my husband’s snoring drove me nuts – until I managed to get him in to see the sleep doctor. Now he uses a CPAP, and sleeps better than I do most of the time. I can’t suggest much about the scanner, the dog, or the hall lights (except maybe get a nightlight?), but the snoring can definitely be dealt with.

I used to, but as I get older I find that I tend to wake up once or twice a night. Usually it’s just to glance at the clock, confirm that the cats and the wife are still there, and right back to sleep.

I typically do sleep through the night. I am a lighter sleeper now that I have a kid, so if he wakes up I do too, but left to myself I will sleep all the way through unless I am sick or something. There were periods in my life when I didn’t, but the default seems to be that I sleep through.

On the other hand, I am not very fast at falling asleep, it usually takes me 30 mins to an hour. I can’t drop off to sleep easily unless I am under the right conditions, and I have always been envious of those who can nap easily in cars, planes, during the afternoon while watching tv, etc. I can’t nap unless I am truly sleep deprived or sick. So “going to sleep easily” and “staying asleep” seem to be different abilities and not necessarily tied. My husband can do both, lucky guy.

I’ve thought about going to the doctor, but I figure there are several reasons why I wake up so often:

a) I use methamphetamines (preseription) during the day to control my narcolepsy. When I don’t use these drugs, I wake up less at night. When I do use them, my sleep is noticably lighter.

b) As others have said… I have a cat. So my ear is constantly trained for the sound of him yurking or horking or knocking something over.

c) My fiance and I have completely different sleep schedules, so I go to bed much earlier than him. As such, I wake up often while he’s awake from any noise or disturbance.

d) I’m paranoid that I’ll sleep in over my alarm. Even if I set more than one alarm, my brain is somehow totally freaked out from roughly 2 hours before the alarm goes off. So I’m waking up every ten minutes to peer at the clock.

Sucks to be me. Sleep was easier when I was working night shifts and didn’t have to wake up early or take my pills and the fella and I had the same schedules. Whattaya gonna do?

Thanks, though, for being concerned. :slight_smile: Nice to know you guys have my back.

Almost all the time. I might very very occassionally wake up to add/remove covers, or perhaps make a midnight pee-trip, but other than that, I’m dead to the world.

When I actually awaken and realize I slept completely through the night, it shocks me. Yes, I have done it. No, it certainly isn’t often.

Norinew – sorry to hear your not doing well . Losing weight helped me to sleep

somewhat better , but as you say , the meds are almost worse than the pain .

Hope you feel better soon :slight_smile:

Can’t fall asleep for love nor money, altho use the over-the-counter benedryl-type sleep inducers to good effect for that when it gets really bad. Once asleep, I do stay under most nights. Sometimes I sense the old bladder pounding in the wee hours (wee hours, heh heh) and will get up to go, but can get right back to sleep pretty easily. It’s that “falling asleep” that gets me every night. I can’t rest my mind for some reason.

Oh, and with two teenage sons and televisions that sometimes stay on late, I use earplugs to great affect. Seems to work for me.
