Do you sleep through the night?

Having worked nights for the greater part of 40 years, I find night time is awake time. Even if I decide to sleep during the day, it’s only for a cople hours. I can’t remember the last time I slept more than 4 hours.
Hubby could sleep through a war. I mean, the whole war. He can sleep 12 hours without so much as a mumble. I’m so jealous.

Same here. Except that, after one notable week in college where I went about 14 hours of sleep in a week, I crashed and slept about 21 hours straight, which really freaked out my roommate. :smiley:

I sleep like the dead. When I wake up, I’m in the same position as when I went to sleep, and the covers aren’t disturbed.

Mind you, I was actually BORN asleep so I have a lot of practice…

…Born asleep??? How in the world does **that ** work? :eek:

Impressive, eh? Sound asleep - the Dr. had to wake me up to assure my mother that I was ok. I let out a squeek and promptly went back to sleep. Slept through the night since birth, down at about 10:00PM, up at about 10:00AM. Really I was a perfect child…

So, uh, yah. I’m a good sleeper.

I more often than not wake up at 5 am for an hour or so on normal nights. When I have a jury trial it’s often much worse. It’s the one time I need the most sleep, and I get the least.

I often, but far from always, sleep through the night. Between a night job and a few bouts of illness and hospitalization, I think I’m starting to get my internal clock whipped to the point where it’ll take any sleep it can get.

I very, very rarely sleep through the night. I always wake up a couple of times, roll over, adjust the pillows, whatever. I’m lucky in that, while I’m a very light sleeper, I always fall right back to sleep again after I’ve woken up. The rare times I actually do sleep all the way through the night, I usually feel tired and disoriented the next day. Because, you see, even though I’ve technically had more sleep than usual, I don’t remember sleeping. Otherwise, despite my frequent waking (including occasionally getting out of bed to get and/or make water) I usually feel perfectly rested if I can get at least seven or eight hours.

Not that there aren’t occasional drawbacks. Last night, I woke up around four in the morning. I pulled the blankets up to my neck, rolled over in bed, smacked my forehead into the corner of my bedside table, and knocked the whole thing (table, clock radio, reading lamp, telephone, and about ten books, half of them hard-cover) crashing onto the floor. Got up, turned on the overhead light, picked it all up, turned out the lights, got into bed and was back asleep in less than a minute. Felt just fine this morning, aside from the bruise.

The only time I sleep through the night without waking up is when I’m sick and have taken a prodigious amount of cold meds to get to sleep in the first place.

Good afternoon, son. What are you doing up so early? It’s only 12:15 pm.

When I was younger (pre-children) I used to sleep solidly for eight or nine hours. Now, I’m a toss-and-turn kind of sleeper.

Depends on my stress level. When I’m really stressed, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, be awake for hours and wind up with anywhere between 2 and 5 total hours of sleep. I’ve tried all kinds of techniques for falling asleep. None has worked consistenty. :frowning:


Anyone tried melatonin? A woman I work with mentioned it the other evening. She says it’s worked wonders for her but I have my doubts.

Virtually never. The last time I slept without waking up half a dozen times was after overindulging in champagne one New Year’s Eve. It’s a wonderful night if I only wake up two or three times. Fortunately I fall back asleep relatively quickly.

Yeah, my shrink recommended it. It knocks me out but does not keep me asleep. She told me if I wake up in the middle of the night to take a second one. I do. I fall back asleep then can’t wake up on time for work and I wake with a pounding headache. I have a cousin who’s had chronic insomnia since childhood and the melatonin works wonderfully for him. (But I think he may take his with a martini so YMMV :wink: )

I’ve had weird sleep my whole life but there were periods of time where I would drop off and not move until morning. Oh how I long for those days.

My teenagers are dead to the world when they sleep. My son keeps odd hours…he’s stayed up all night a couple of times, whether from traveling or homework, and then he’ll crash. I’m not entirely sure that’s healthy, but he doesn’t make a habit of it.

I can’t remember a single night I’ve ever slept through the night without the assistance of sleep meds (which I don’t take regularly) or OTC cold preps. Aside from the fact that it usually takes me between 1-2 hours to actually fall asleep, I too have the Alarm Fear and have to constantly recheck my cell phone to make sure that it’s a) set to go off at the right time and b) not switched over to vibrate, which will not activate any sort of external alarm notice (not even a vibration :smack: ).

When I’m left up to my own devices, and I don’t have a work or school schedule, my sleep patterns tend to very quickly move nocturnal, and they always have. After a week of just sleeping when I felt like it, I’ll be asleep every morning at 5 am and awake at around 1:30 pm. This is the only time I actually sleep through the entire time.

I wonder how much of our restlessness has to do from a deviation from our natural sleep tendencies?


Nope. I often wake up around 1 or 2 and it takes me two hours to get back to sleep. Then I sometimes dream that I’m trying to get to sleep.

Apparently this is a life long thing with me. My mother use to check on me when I was a baby and see me lying there with my eyes open. Later I’d get up in the middle of the night to play with my older sibling’s toys, something they wouldn’t let me do during the day.

Yeah, I’ve got the same problem. The big one wakes me up when he runs out of food (you weigh almost 22 pounds, you’re not gonna starve!). I’m always amazed at how well I sleep when I’m somewhere cat free.

Last night I believe that I slept from 10:45pm thru uninterupted to 4:45am. Which is . . . 6 hrs? Usually per my husband I fall right asleep but wake every 90 mins to piddle. Since the trip to the toilet is longer than his, I have to circumnavigate the bed, I remember it as a wake period but he assures me that I am fast asleep and snoring within 5mins. Apparently I also have sleep apnea and the limps flailing problem too. [IMG][/]Danger, Will Robinson!

I think your user name might have something to do with this :smiley: