Do you sleep through the night?

Thanks, I might save my money, based on that. I also have no trouble falling asleep but wake up during the night. Sounds as if melatonin isn’t for me.

Yep. Does nothing at all for me.

Oh, thank goodness! I was wondering how **DarkButterfly **got so old so quickly, and why **norinew **didn’t tell us she was a grandma! :smiley:

I usually sleep really well, but when I don’t, I don’t sleep at all. It’s either 9-10 hours or two hours. I also nap well. Luckily for me, WhyBaby’s the same way. She started sleeping through the night before her due date, and kept right on doing it after she came home. The nurses couldn’t believe it when they had to wake her up for her overnight feedings! (The doctor told them to cut it out and let her sleep!) She sleeps 12 hours at night and another 2 during the day. Booyah.

I was called “Bright Eyes” by the nurses when I was a baby. I never, not once, not in the hospital or at home, ever took a daytime nap. I slept all night, but once I was awake, I was up 'till bedtime, even as a newborn. I think I started napping in high school. (Literally, in class.)

I haven’t slept through the night for like five years. I can blame it on Miss Santanic Kitty Badness and the Claw for the past year, but before that, I have no idea why. But no, I never sleep through the night now. It’s a pain, because when I wake up, I have a hell of a time getting back to sleep. A Trazadone / Ativan combo usually helps a lot, though.

No, I’m usually awake 2-3 times in the night, mostly for short periods, but sometimes I’ll wake up at around 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. and not go back to sleep for a couple of hours; if I know I’m going to be awake for awhile, I’ll read a book until I get sleepy again.

I take melatonin sometimes to fall asleep, but it doesn’t keep me asleep all night.

As somebody else said above, those rare occasions when I do sleep straight through surprise me (What? It’s morning already…?)

I have. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

I can never sleep through the night and it takes me a long to actually fall asleep the first time. I wake up every hour or two. I’ve been this way as long as I can remember.

When I was younger, it didn’t bother me too much; but, in the last year, it’s really begun to affect me.

I am loathe to trying sleeping pills or anything like that.

I’ve tried adjusting my bedtime and any other number of things, it doesn’t work.

I have to say it would be so very nice to sleep through the whole night and wake up feeling refreshed and rested.

It takes me, on average, an hour or so to fall asleep. Then, I wake up about 3-4 times during the night. Just little wake-ups, the kind were you look around, realize normal people would be sleeping, and wiggle around to go back to sleep. This usually lasts about 30 minutes.

So, I need about 9-10 hours of time to get 7-8 hours of sleep. It’s frustrating as all hell. In college my doctor gave me a perscription sleep aid to try. The next day, I burst into tears when I realized I had slept the whole night through. :eek:

Now my hubby doesn’t like me taking sleeping pills. He thinks I’m going to turn into a pill gobbling dependant or something. So, I usually don’t. But if I know I’m going to need a good night of uninterupted sleep… Gimmie!

I have a staggeringly severe problem with insomnia and then hypersomnia. Once a month or so I get about 6 hours. The rest of the time I’m damned lucky to get 4! I’ve been like this since the eighties, and there’s no question it’s had a horribly negative effect on my life and work. I mean it’s almost 6 in the morning and I’m still not able to sleep.

I’ve followed strict sleep maintenance guidelines for years without success. I’ve tried meditating and self-hypnosis and all kinds of crazy shit. I’ve tried every sleeping pill on the market. I currently take three: High doses of Trazodone, Lunesta, and Niravam. Ambien has several times caused me to spend entire waking days kind of “sleep walking” and even “sleep driving”, acting and talking very oddly – and the next day I can recall nothing of the events; it’s like I’ve lost an entire day that I wouldn’t even be aware of it!

Well, at least I get a lot of reading done!

I sleep like a baby. Every 20 minutes I wake up and cry.

For the three people here who haven’t heard that one.

Saturday I slept from 8am to 10am, then 3pm to 6pm. Sunday was 3am to 8am and 10am to 7pm. That’s after a week off work, but even when I’m working I tend to sleep for a few hours in the evening and then go back to bed in the wee hours. The annoying thing is that if I hold on and go to bed at a reasonable time like 10 or 11pm, I wake up a few hours later feeling alert and refreshed in a way I rarely do in the mornings and then I won’t be asleep until gone six.

Once I’m asleep (and not just dozing) I sleep through maybe half the time. The other half is mostly me waking up, seeing the time on the alarm clock and then immediately falling asleep.

When I go to sleep I sleep like a log that’s had too much to drink. Until 6am. Damn work schedule’s trained me to wake at that time. Doesn’t matter if I go to bed at 8pm or midnight, I’ll wake up at 6am.