Do you still use optical discs?

I’m lucky to have decent broadband where I live so I have pretty much abandoned optical discs for the internet and occasionally a thumb drive. Anyone else given up discs? Frankly, I’m glad to be rid of them.

Nope, caveman here. Bought one yesterday.

Blu-Rays and 3D Blu-Rays daily. I’m don’t like the quality of streaming/cable HD video content, downloading HD content is still a pain, and streaming/on-demand 3D is side-by-side, halving the effective resolution. I still dip into my DVDs and laserdiscs pretty often, too, and find them higher quality than SD streaming and downloads. I also buy cheap CDs for ripping purposes (saving quite a bit over digital downloads of the same material), but haven’t used a CD for playback in years.

I also haven’t used a recordable optical disc in years. I last bought a spindle of DVD-Rs about 6 years ago, used a couple to burn some school projects, and never used the rest.

I still use CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray.

MP3s are NOT adequate replacement sound quality for CDs, nor is anything streaming over the Internet.

No, I have enough coasters.

Putting aside the fact that your thread title and OP content ask the same question in different wordings which require opposite responses, I do not use discs for data, just pre-recorded CDs and DVDs, though even that is rare. I haven’t purchased a boxed game in years, and only ever have need for my 8 gig USB key for file transfer.

CDs are still the easiest and cheapest way to get piles of photos to groups of people, especially if they’re not exactly tech-savvy, or they have a slow connection to the world.

As far as media consumption - even with a 50 meg VDSL line, I still run into problems when streaming movies, but DVDs or BD discs don’t care about bandwidth.

I have an Xbox that uses optical discs for playing games.

My wife listens to CDs while she’s driving to and from work.

Lots of things are more available or better on disc than streaming, and thumb drives are too expensive to be used for giveaway/disposable purposes.

Really? All my thumb drives are trade show swag.

Just installed Windows 8 via a dvd I burned myself. Also play some old games off of a cd in a vm machine every now and then! But I’d say my cd dvd drive only sees action a few days a year.

CDs and DVDs both, and external FireWire hard drives.

Shit, I still have a box of 800K floppies (and a computer old enough to be able to read them), and an external SCSI SyQuest drive as well. Not to mention DIN-8 serial cables in case I have an urge to plug in some ancient Mac serial device.

I did sell my 5.15" external floppy for Mac (DaynaFile) a few years ago. After 2 decades of not running into a single person who had something they wanted on an old-fashioned DOS floppy disk (and I certainly didn’t), I decided that rather immense thing was something my closet no longer needed.

I still use CDs and DVDs regularly.

Still use DVDs/Blu-Ray for movies and sometimes CDs for music. Normally I have a 16gb USB stick plugged into my car radio with music on it but I still have a collection of CDs in the center console and sometimes like to just pull one out and listen to an album front to back, old school.

CDs, DVDs and BRDs, all the time, to deliver content to clients or provide end-user copies.

I’d forgotten that we use CDs and DVDs in the data centers now and then for transferring files. It’s sometimes easier and far faster to sneakernet the files then destroy the dirt cheap CDs than it is to file security plans to temporarily put a server on the network.

For security concerns, the transfer media can not leave the room and must be destroyed after use, so this makes jump drives too expensive.

Some, and enough that I wouldn’t consider getting a computer without an optical drive. But not very much.

I burn tons of DVDs for my concert videos. If I didn’t, what would I sell? There is no good method for me to deliver streaming videos, and a lot of my customers are grandparents, who probably don’t have a fast enough connection to stream the same quality.

I use recordables for backup and distribution.

Only as a last resort.