Do you still watch TV?

Almost nothing on network TV. The sitcoms are vapid and the cop shows obsessed with sodomy, it seems. Can’t stand reality shows, don’t watch daytime TV or game shows. That pretty much leaves the news on network. Otherwise, the popular AMC shows, a couple on HBO and SHO (Treme, Nurse Jackie), some on PBS (Downton, Doc Martin), Justified on FX and Southland on TNT. Daily Show and Colbert on Comedy. That’s about it, except for the occasional movie. At some point I may just go media and pay by the episode; it’s got to be cheaper.


I am single, but I’ve lived with people and we certainly watch movies together (or even the rare TV show once every few years). However, we do it in front of a laptop screen or the occasional projector screen using Netflix, pirated movies, or locally-rented DVDs. Nobody I know here even has a TV or gets over-the-air broadcasting.

My tv is always on when I’m home, except between the hours of 11pm and 530am.

I record about 6 hours each week. I usually watch about 5 of those. (Some of them I fast-forward through.)

For regular TV, The Daily Show, Colbert, Antiques Roadshow (though we tape more than we watch) and the local news. One more - the San Matteo PBS station is broadcasting European mysteries (also available on-line.) They had some Brunetti’s which were made in Germany, and are now showing Montalbo, set in Sicily, which is Italian. Italians playing Italians are more fun than Germans playing Italians. :slight_smile:

Aside from that, DVDs from Netflix. The problem with streaming is that if something is always available we’d never get around to watching it. If the DVD shows up, we do.


I called the cable company to cancel cable, but it only saves us $5 a month and it is useful…about $5 a month useful.

I download or stream just about everything I watch. I record all shows I"m interested in.

The only two things I watch on actual television are Survivor and Supernatural. Everything else is gotten through other means.

I have the TV on a lot. There are a few shows that get my full attention but usually I’m on the internet at the same time. The internet has the stronger pull.
I rent quite a few DVDs and they usually get full attention.

Sunday - Amazing Race
Monday - Mike and Molly
Tuesday - um, nothing
Wednesday - The Middle. Suburgatory, Modern Family
Thursday - Big Bang Theory
Friday - nothing
Saturday - nothing

We have a lot of American Pickers and Oddities on the DVR for when we feel like watching something. And a bunch of films from Turner Classic Movies, of which about one out of three gets cleared out without being watched.

Actual TV on a TV set? no, I have a small old TV in the closet I have not actually watched in almost a decade (and never got a converter box thing for anyway).

TV over the internet? yeah, I’d guess I average about 4 - 5 hours a week, though it varies a lot and I tend to ‘binge’ and watch tv all day, then not watch it for a week or two waiting for new episodes.

Yes. I have a thing for CBS formulaic crime shows, so I watch CSI: Miami, Hawaii Five-0, NCIS, and Criminal Minds regularly. Usually I catch the episodes live but the DVR is set to record the series if I missed it for whatever reason.

I also watch NFL games and, if the Red Sox are on, I will watch them. But since I’m in DC that has to be when they’re playing the Orioles on MASN or when they’re one of the national games on ESPN or FOX. The rest of the time I use MLB.TV online.

I will also use it to watch DVDs. Sometimes I’ll use the computer but the TV has a bigger screen.

no, and I make sure I say so to everyone I meet.

I probably average about two hours a day, some days none, some days more. Going on the internet doesn’t stop me watching TV - I do both at once. (I also watch TV for work, so I’m not counting that).

A lot of people I know in their twenties don’t watch TV either; although really I’d count watching TV shows on laptops and the like as watching TV too, they don’t even do much of that. However, most of the people I know over about 35 do watch TV, even if they didn’t really in their twenties. They also go out partying less than when they were younger; the two are not unconnected.

What kind of books are those? Kindle, Nook, iPad, and even your computer need to be recharged. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I watch Jeopardy! most weekdays. I am following Grimm, Once Upon A Time, Castle, and Awake. I watch sports quite a bit. I’ll catch some other shows randomly sometimes. I’m in my early thirties.

I was just thinking earlier that I should have my cable cut off because I can’t remember the last time the TV was switched to it. It’s nearly impossible for me to catch a show on TV anyway, so it’s always on the input for my Roku which I use to play Netflix and things from my media server on my schedule. Time per week watching something via Netflix or movies/old TV/podcasts via my media server is probably 2-4 hours. Time watching “live” TV: 0.

I like Tosh.0, The Daily Show, Archer, and sometimes The League, but it’s easier to just Tivo or download them and spend an hour or two catching up on the weekend. Actually, I don’t even know when anything airs except The Daily Show. I try to keep a couple episodes of something, always a week or two out of date, on my phone to watch while my daughter is at gymnastics or some other activity where I have nothing to do.

ETA: I’m 34

All the time. 99% of the time I’m also on my iPad doing stuff online, but I can keep up with what’s on TV and be online, too, unless it’s something like House Hunters where I need to actually see what they’re talking about.

Yes, but certainly not as much as I used to. There are some shows that I watch by osmosis (i.e., my wife watches them, and I happen to be in the same room at the time), but the only series I actively seek out watching are Castle and Mythbusters. Beyond that, I watch sports, some news programs, the Weather Channel, and occasional programs on Discovery or Science Channel.

If I have an hour or two to kill, I’m far more likely to be online than watching TV.

BTW, I’m 47.

The TV at my house is used only for watching movies and playing Nintendo. My only internet connection is my iPhone.

I hang out with my parents a couple of evenings each week, and they usually keep their TV locked on Faux News, football, basketball, or something of a documentary nature. That’s really about all the TV programming I ever see.

If it’s football season, then a hell of a lot (games, NFL Network, etc).

In the offseason, then I watch Jeopardy! over dinner and usually one show at night before bed.

All the time. My DVR runneth over, and while I’ll occasionally download stuff and watch it on my television through my laptop or iPod, I truly can’t imagine what on earth would make me want to watch stuff on my crappy 14 inch laptop screen instead of my glorious 42inch HD television.