Do you think Bea Arthur hates the rest of the World?

The Pamela Anderson roast. The movie Airheads. The Family Guy.

Everyone rips on Bea Arthur! What has Bea ever done to anyone except put out episode after episode of quality entertainment!?

I can think of no other public figure who got so much undeserved ridicule.

Why did the negative light shine toward Bea Arthur? Where did it start? Airheads?

Don’t you think she hates the world?

Bea Arthur was the best Vera Charles in the otherwise forgettable Lucille Ball remake of Mame. She is a Goddess is certain circles. And if you notice the trio that you used for examples, you’ll see a pattern of peons nipping at the heels of their better. I think she’s so much above them, she wouldn’t even notice their braying.

What Homebrew said – Bea is worshipped in some circles, and by myself certainly. I’m hopefully going to see her stage show this autumn if she stays well enough to appear.

And you’ll note all of the teasing is directed toward her appearance and/or voice, which are both highly unusual for such a successful actress. As for her hating the world – just the opposite. She takes it all in stride and has an awesome sense of humour. She’s hilariously funny and foul-mouthed and very laid back from what friends that have met her tell me.

As for those who mock her? God’ll get 'em for that. :wink:

Not to mention that she was the original Vera Charles on Broadway. Her chemistry with Angela Lansbury was incredible.

Also the original Yente the Matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof

And the Femputer. Don’t forget the Femputer.

This post does not fempute.

Heck- I loved her as Maude as a kid.

I think she has class.

It was kinda sad to see her looking so thin and old. Still, she seemed as sharp as ever, even though she’s in her eighties.

5 words: The Star Wars Holiday Special

'Nuff said.

According to George Lucas, that no longer exists.

So it cannot be held against her! :smiley:

Polly Rowles.

Bea Arthur is on the original cast recording as Vera Charles, and IBDB lists her as Vera in the opening night cast.

Ah…just realized you’re talking about the straight play Auntie Mame, Walloon. I was talking about the musical.

I thought she was hilarious as an emotionless but gradually warming (and then rapidly cooling) babysitter on Malcolm in the Middle.

Had the pleasure of working with her on a couple of shows. She is a very nice, extremely funny woman. She does, however, have a thing against wearing shoes…she is always barefoot until the last second before she has to go on stage.

But as others have said, Bea is one actress no one will ever accuse of being just another pretty face in the crowd. She is a one of a kind and she embraces it and makes it work to her advantage.

A couple of years ago Ms. Arthur appeared in a spoof of Sex in the City with Abe Vigoda (who I would suggest to the OP also receives and anwarranted amount of ridicule). That led me to conclude that she has a really healthy attitude about the whole thing.

I think some of the hostility stems from her role as Maude. Although the grown-ups among us recognize that she was NOT in fact Maude, I suspect that she gets dinged a lot by those who hate feminism because of her role.

Abe Vigoda or SatC is “unwarrently ridiculed”?

Best rip on Bea:

Jeffrey Ross during the Friars’ roast of Rob Reiner:

“I wouldn’t f*ck Penny Marshall with Bea Aurthur’s dick.”

Of course, it’s funnier because Bea is there.

I didn’t see the Rob Reiner roast, but IIRC, someone (Kevin James?) used the same line in Jerry Stiller’s roast. It was Sandra Bernhardt that he said he wouldn’t f*ck with Bea Arthur’s dick.

During the huge laugh, the camera was on Bea, who wagged her finger in pantomime of Maude’s trademark, “God’ll get you for that one”.

I don’t think there’s any deep reason behind it, and I think even the people who make fun of her will admit she’s a quality actress. She just has a deep voice, and is tall and kind of masculine looking, and that’s what most jokes make fun of.