Do you think it's okay to bump a GQ thread?

I’ve had a few of GQ threads come out still-born, going into oblivion with zero responses, which always concerns me. It especially concerns me right now because the thread that’s currently dead in the water has to do with something relevant to my work and the possible measuring or misrepresentation of public opinion and how it affects policy.

Since I don’t intend this to be a backdoor bump (band name!), I’m not linking to it. I’m just curious whether you guys think it’s a faux pas to bump a GQ thread. What do you think?

I know repeatedly bumping a thread is frowned upon, but bumping a thread with a more difficult or obscure question which possibly also slid off the front page too soon, seems fine to me. I’ve bumped a thread which received zero replies over the weekend, but did get a response once Monday rolled around. As suggested, I also clarified my question a bit, since I think it initially covered too large of a scope of possible answers.

Bump it and/or cross reference to it in another as applicable. Nothing wrong with a little self-promotion (contingent on board rules i.e. the thread isn’t more than three months old et al).

You’ve been around long enough to know if it’s ok. If there is a good chance that someone could answer it after another go around through page 1, I don’t see a problem with it.

Actually, it’s one of those things I’ve never been sure of.

Thanks for the advice.

Patience is a virtue, however, as somebody replied to it last night. I’ve learned two good lessons!

I bump once.

After that, I figure I’ve stumped you guys or I’ve asked an unimportant boring question.

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