Right after the title screen, there is a plane crash. Do you think it’s real? If you do, can you name the plane/flight/year of the incident?
Right after the title screen, there is a plane crash. Do you think it’s real? If you do, can you name the plane/flight/year of the incident?
It’s real
Wow. That’s really quite similar to a recurring dream I have (since before the crash).
Holy Moly it took Tapioca Dextrinall of 8 minutes. Sweet.
That’s pretty slow. I recognized it immediately. It was a cargo plane flying out of Bagram Afghanistan. It was carrying a load of military vehicles when the cargo came loose and shifted the center of gravity all the way to the rear causing a stall. No time to recover.
Sorry. We must be slipping.
What the FB video doesn’t show the the complete non-reaction of the driver of the truck that took the video. He has basically no reaction at all. I think you can hear a dog whimper in the truck, then the driver turns around and goes to wherever he was going. Never says a word the whole time. Like he see planes crash every day. Weird.
Not snark, Musicat I am very impressed, but not surprised.
I’m curious to know if/why the OP thought it was fake. The clip looks absolutely, horrifyingly real.
I too immediately recognized it. But because it was a military chartered cargo plane, not an airliner full of people, it didn’t get nearly as much news coverage (even though it was a 747!). It was hauling several wheeled, armored military vehicles. They broke loose inside the cargo bay and slide back causing the plane’s center of gravity to radically shift and make it uncontrollable.
It’s also a sort of crash that wouldn’t happen to a plane full of people – the people never all shift to one side suddenly, shortly after takeoff.
Pretty wild video. The cow at the end was funny, though.
I’m not the OP, but I thought it looked weird how the plane moved, just flopping over sideways. Of course, that’s explained by the massive equipment breaking loose and sliding around. But if you don’t know that, well, it moved like no other large jet I’ve ever seen.
It’s been answered by Tapioca’s links up thread:
Tail number registration N949CA.
NTSB report here – Home
Unless there is a crocodile loose on board.
Horribly, terribly, frighteningly real.
That would seem to be a clue that it’s real. If it were fake, it would move the way you expect it to move, because the person faking it is trying to satisfy your expectations.
Oh. So if I want to fake a video of a plane crashing, I should make it move in an unnatural way, and it will look real?
I’d mentioned here on the board at the time that my cousin was killed in that crash:
I later took part in the homecoming (?) / dignified transfer ceremony at Dover AFB.
Though civilians, the seven crew were treated as though military with all the suitable honors.
Most of the crew were from the Detroit area and all families were present.
I must say that this was the most poignantly moving night I’ve ever had and, while powerful and made as comfortable as could be by Dover staff & volunteers, I wouldn’t wish upon anyone.
I understand that flights leaving Bagram at the time had to climb particularly fast to get out of range of threats of attack from the ground.
You should make it move in a way that looks natural. Whether “looks natural” and “is natural” coincide will differ from case to case.
Take this very video. It moved it a perfectly natural way, yet it was that very movement that made some people think it was fake. These people would have been satisfied with a different kind of movement–in other words, an unnatural movement. An unnatural movement that looks natural to those of us who don’t actually know what natural movement looks like in a case like this.