Do you tip carpet installers? (need answer fast)

My wife and I are having new carpet installed upstairs in our house today cover approximately 1100 square feet. They will be finished in about two hours. Are you expected to tip folks like these?

So far, all I’ve given them is some free sodas. Is that enough?

As a frame of reference, years ago we had countertops and wood flooring put in and we did not tip these folks, but my wife thinks carpet may be different. Your thoughts?

Yes, although if you REALLY want to do a little something more, the most I would be inclined is to tell them you are ordering some pizzas for lunch and ask them what they would like on theirs.

I can’t see how a cash tip could be warranted for this kind of job, but that dosent necc. mean I think a cash tip would be refused, just that it is not needed or deserved…

I tried to buy them lunch about an hour ago and they weren’t interested. In fact, they said they wanted to work through lunch to make sure the job was done on time and was completed today. My wife insists we tip them both $30 in cash.

It would be unexpected and appreciated. In 30 years of tile installation, I have received tips maybe five times, but I am self employed. I add your tip in already :wink: